
★한달에 영어원서 한 권 읽기 3월의 책 A Long Walk to Water

Linda Sue Park(린다 수 박)

Day 13(76-82p)


1.  A Long Walk to Water의 오디오 자료 잊지 말고 챙겨들어 주세요. 리스닝 향상에 도움이 됩니다. 

A Long Walk to Water Chapter 13


2. A Long Walk to Water를 읽으며 알게된 영어표현이나 인상깊은 문장, 공유하고 싶은 내용 등 자유롭게 올려주세요.

The crew drove to the pond and back several times a day. the pond water was piped into what looked like a giant plastic bag - a bag big enough to fill the entire bed of the truck.

They patched the bag again. The drilling went on. 

*borehole [ˈbɔːrhəʊl] 천공, 후벼 판 구멍, 시추공

*pipe into …까지 파이프로 끌어들이다

*bed of the truck 트럭의 짐칸

*crew 일꾼, 승무원
*patch 임시 수리, 자국, 패치
*earnestly 열심히, 진지하게

*spring (갑자기) 튀다, 솟아나다, 휙 움직이다 (spring-sprang-sprung)


Hundreds of people lined the riverbank. The soldiers were forcing some of them into the water, prodding them with their rifle butts, shooting into the air.

Other people, afraid of the soldiers and their guns, were leaping into the water on their own. They were immediately swept downstream by the powerful current. 

*prod 찌르다, 촉진하다

*rifle butts 총신, 총검
*downstream 하류로, 아래쪽으로

*telltale 흔적, 징표
*flick 휙휙 움직임, 깜빡임
*jerked 끌려감, 갑자기 움직이다
*din 소란, 시끄러움


As Salva crounched on the bank and watched, a young man near him plunged into the water. The current carried him swiftly downstream, but he was also making a little progress across the river.

A cloud of red stained the water. 

*plunge (앞아래로 갑자기) 거꾸러지다[거꾸러뜨리다], 급락하다 (=plummet)

*plunge into …에 처넣다, ...에 돌입하다, 뛰어들다

*swiftly 신속하게 

*make a progress 진전을 이루다

*stain 얼룩지게 하다, 더럽히다; 얼룩지다, 더러워지다, (착색제로) 착색하다, (지우기 힘든) 얼룩


The rain was still pouring down - and now bullets were pouring down as well. 

The rain, the mud current, the bullets, the crocodiles, the welter of arms and legs, the screms, the blood... He had to get across somehow. 

Later, he would learn that at least a thousand people had died trying to cross the river that day, drowned or shot or attacked by crocodiles. 

For a few moments he could do nothing but gasp and choke. 

*pour down (비 등이) 쏟아지다

*as well 또한, 역시

The villagers ate a lot of fish, of course, and hippo and crocodile meat as well.(47p)


*current 흐름, 물류
*gulp 한모금 마시다
*bullet hole 총알 구멍
*welter (팔다리가) 얽힌 상태
*gasp 숨을 쉬기 어려워하는 소리
*launch oneself upward (악어 등이) 뛰어오르다, 위로 올라가다


No one knew anything for sure. Where was Salva suposed to go?

Kenya. There are supposed to be refugee camps in Kenya.

쓰는 영어 be supposed to와 be going to 뉘앙스 영문법 실전영어


쓰는 영어 be supposed to와 be going to 뉘앙스 영문법 실전영어

영어공부하다보면 진짜 여기저기서 많이 듣고 보게 되는 be supposed to! 이 유튜브 영상 하나로 be supposed to 개념부터 다양한 쓰임까지 총정리 됩니다. 영어공부 추천 유튜브 쓰는 영어, 셀리쌤 오늘


Crowds of other boys followed him. Nobody talked about it, but by the end of the first day Salva had become the leader of a group of about fifteen hundred boys. Some were as young as five years old. 

Salva found that he could only think of his brothers and sisters as they were when he had last seen them, not as they would be now. 

*plague[pleɪɡ] 전염병 (=epidemic),(한동안 고통문제로) 괴롭히다 (=trouble)

*peril [ˈperəl](심각한) 위험, 위험성, 유해함 

*keep up

오늘의 영어! 따라잡아, 계속해 "keep up"


오늘의 영어! 따라잡아, 계속해 "keep up"

영어 공부 열심히 하고 계신가요? 우리는 영어 공부지만 무언가 열심히 하고 있는 자녀에게, 친구에게 (윗사람에게는 아니고요) 영어로 (잘하고 있어) "계속 그렇게 해봐, 잘해봐." 라고 말하고


He organized the group, giving everyone a job: scavenge for food; collect firewood; stand guard while the group slept. 
*scavenge[ˈskævɪndʒ] 살피다, 찾아다니다, (먹을 것 등을 찾아) 쓰레기 더미를 뒤지다

*scavenge for …을 찾아다니다

*stand guard 경비를 서다

*coax[koʊks] 구슬리다, 달래다 (=cajole)

One step at a time... one day at a time. 

Just today - just this day to get through...


Salva told himself this every day. He told the boys in the group, too.

And one day at a time, the group made its way to Kenya.

More than twelve hundred boys arrived safely.

It took them a year and a half. 


3. 게시물 숙제로 A Long Walk to Water를 읽으며 배운 단어나 구문을 넣어 자신만의 문장을 하나씩 만들어 보세요.

The company is facing financial peril.(peril [ˈperəl](심각한) 위험, 위험성, 유해


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