2. A Long Walk to Water를 읽으며 알게된영어표현이나 인상깊은 문장, 공유하고 싶은 내용 등 자유롭게 올려주세요.
Only two days earlier, Akeer had complained noisily and at length about the pains in her stomach. Nya had been annoyed by all the whining. Now she felt guilty, for she could see that her sister no longer had enough strength to complain.(39p)
*at length 길게[상세히], 오랫동안, 한참 있다가, 마침내, 드디어 +)He quoted at length from the report. 그는 그 보고서를 길게 인용했다. +)She explained to me at length about how to do it. 그녀는 그것을 어떻게 하는지에 대해 설명을 길게 늘어놓았다.
*no longer had enough 더 이상 충분하지 않다
For the elderly and for small children, the illness could be dangers. Unable to hold anything in their systems, many of them starved to death, even with food right in front of them.(39p)
*could be (구어) 아마도, 어쩌면(maybe)
It was unthinkable that she could be dead. 그녀가 죽었을 수도 있다는 것은 상상도 할 수 없었다. The consequences could be serious. 그 결과는 심각할 수도 있을 것이다.
항상 똑같은 사람이죠. +)He is different on the inside and out.
그는 겉과 속이 다르다.
He clung to Uncle like a baby or a little boy, hanging on to his hand or shirttail when he could, never letting Uncle get farther than an arm's length away.(40p)
*shirttail 셔츠 자락, 신문 기사 끝의 관련 추가 기사, 미숙한, 철없는; 얼마 안 되는, 비공식의
*hang onto a person's shirttail 남에게 전적으로 매달리다 +)Since Paul wasn't an expert in accounting, he hung onto Mark's shirttail about the matter. 폴이 회계해 관한 전문가가 아니었기 때문에, 마크에게 전적으로 매달렸다.
A lion had been hungry enough to approach the group as they slept.(40p)
It had sought out prey that was small and motionless: Marial, sleeping.(41p)
*seek 모색하다, 추구하다(seek-sought-sought) *seek out (오랫동안 애써/공들여) 찾아다닌 끝에 찾아내다/구해내다/발견해내다
And it had taken him away, leaving only a few splotches of blood near the path.(41p)
*splotch[splɑ́tʃ] 큰 얼룩점, 반점; 흠점, 얼룩, 얼룩지게 하다, 더러워지게 하다
If it hadn't been for Uncle, Salva might have gone crazy with fear.(41p)
*might have been ~이었을지도 몰랐다
*go crazy 미치다, 돌다, 미치광이가 되다
+)Honestly, you might have told me! 정말, 네가 나한테 말을 해 줄 수도 있었을 것 아냐! +)What might have happened is neither here nor there. 있을지도 몰랐던[있을 수도 있었던] 일은 중요하지 않아. +)She was worried that he might have met with an accident.
그녀는 그가 사고를 당했을지도 모른다고 걱정했다.
Listening to Uncle, hurrying to stay close to him, Salva was able to make his feet move despite the cold terror throughout his whole body.(41p)
*cold terror
A cold fist seemed to grip Salva's heart.(38p)
-어제 챕터 6에서 나온 A cold fist처럼 cold terror도 Salva가 심각한 위험이나 위협을 경험하고 그로인해 공포와 추위 등을 모두 포함하는 신체적 반응을 만들어내고 있다고 해요.
*landscape 풍경(넓은 어느 지역, 특히 시골 지역에서 눈에 띄는 모든 요소를 통틀어 가리킴)
The fighting could be miles away - or a plane carrying bombs could fly overhead at any moment.(43p)
*at any moment 금방이라도, 언제든지
But Salva found that the work was helping him feel a little better. He was too busy to worry much. Doing something, even carrying big, awkward piles of slippery reeds, was better than doing nothing.(43,44p)
At last, everything was ready. Salva got into a canoe between Uncle and another man. He gripped the sides of the boat tightly as it floated out onto the Nile.(44p)
3. 게시물 숙제로 A Long Walk to Water를 읽으며배운 단어나 구문을 넣어 자신만의 문장을 하나씩 만들어 보세요.
I tend to hang onto my friend's shirttail when we're in crowded places.(hang onto a person's shirttail)