What I Know For Sure를 읽으며 알게된영어표현이나 인상깊은 문장, 공유하고 싶은 내용 등 자유롭게 올려주세요.
The key to any relationship is communication. And I've always thought that communication is like a dance. One person takes a step forward, the other takes a step back.(55p)
★What I know for sure is that everything happens for a reason.
I've always known that life is better when you share it. But I now realize it gets even sweeter when you expand the circle.(58p)
*trivialize[ˈtrɪviəlaɪz] 하찮아 보이게 만들다, 폄하하다, 사소하게 만들다 *trivial 사소한, 하찮은
*delusion 망상, 착각, 오해
*preconceived 사전에 형성된
*have a preconceived idea[opinion] 선입관을 가지다
*swoon 기절하다, 졸도하다, ~에 황홀해하다, 기절
*charming package
Love is all around.(59p)
Nothing can bring you peace but yourself.
Look around and notice - possibility is everwhere.(61p)
*strain 혹사하다, 무리하게 사용하다, 잡아 당기다, 긴장시키다, 부담, 압박, 중압감
*strain to 안간힘을 쓰다 +) Strain to the utmost to win the goal. 목표한 것을 달성하기 위해서 전력해라. +) Why do you strain to so poor an end? 왜 그런 부질없는 목적을 위해 애쓰느냐?
*throttle[ˈθrɑːtl] 목, 목구멍; ..의 목을 조르다 *full throttle 최고스피드, 최대 출력에너지
*in times of crisis
+) It's good to have a friend to turn to in times of crisis. 힘들 때 기댈 친구가 있다는 것은 좋은 일이다 +) In times of crisis I know which friends I can turn to. 위기가 오면 내가 의지할 수 있는 친구가 어떤 친구인지를 나는 안다.
"I just came remind you, you don't have to carry this load all by yourself."(63p)
To know that people care about how you're doing when the doing isn't so good-that's what love is. I feel blessed to know this for sure.(63p)
당신이 어려움에 처했을 때 사람들이 그런 당신을 염려하고 있다는 것을 아는 것- 그게 바로 사랑이다. 그걸 확실히 아는 나는 축복받은 존재이다.
-게시물 숙제로 좋았던 문장, 기억하고 싶은 문장 최소 3문장, 단어 5개 골라서 댓글로 올려주세요.
The key to any relationship is communication.
What I know for sure is that everything happens for a reason.
Nothing can bring you peace but yourself.
You don't have to carry this load all by yourself.
Look around and notice - possibility is everwhere.