
★ 영어원서 원더읽기 Wonder Day 4(51-65p)


1. 영어발음 공부 

*tortoise [ˈtɔːrtəs] (60p) 토올-더s

거북이 영어발음 turtle vs tortoise 미국영어 발음은?


거북이 영어발음 turtle vs tortoise 미국영어 발음은? 발음비교 44강

거북이 영어 발음, turtle vs tortoise 둘다 어렵습니다. 영어는 글자를 보고 누구나 바로 읽을 수 있게 만든 언어가 아니라 그렇습니다. 그래서 새로운 단어를 보거나 기존에 잘못 알고 있던 단어들


*pyramid 피-r뤄-미d/피뤄믿

*pharaho f페-r로우/f페로우(65p)

*Egypt 이이쥽ㅌ/ Egyptian 이이쥽ㅌ-션

피라미드 파라오 파피루스 영어발음은?


이집트 피라미드 파라오 파피루스 영어발음은? 발음지우개 53강

지금까지 알고 있던 이집트 관련 단어들 발음을 다 잘못 알고 잘못 발음하고 살았습니다. 먼저 이집트는 Egypt 이이쥽ㅌ 이집트 Egypt, 피라미드 pyramid, 파라오 pharaoh , 파피루스 papyrus 영어는 소리


2. Wonder를 읽으면서 단어, 구문, 기억하고 싶은 문장이나 감동받은 문장 등 자유롭게 올려주세요.

Hey, is this seat taken?(51p)

 *technically 따지고 보면, 엄격히 말해서, 기술적으로

"Technically, May is spring," Summer answered, "but if she wanted to sit here, we could make an exception."(52p)

구슬쌤 practically, technically, apparently 원어민처럼 쉽게 쓰는 법


구슬쌤 practically, technically, apparently 원어민처럼 쉽게 쓰는 법

쉬운 단어로 원어민처럼 말하기, 1:1 단어 뜻으로 외워서는 절대 활용할 수 없는 표현입니다. 정확한 뜻과 활용법을 몰라 쉽게 접근하기 어려운 practially, technically, apparently. 평소 원어민들이 정말


Cool beans[bananas](53p) 와, 와우, 대단하네

Mom always had this habit of asking me how something felt on a scale of one to ten.(54p)

I would hold up my fingers to show her how much it was hurting.(54p)

After that, we got into the habit of doing the one-to-ten scale for anything that hurt, like if I just had a plain old throat, she'd ask: "One to ten?"(54p)

The's even better than I hoped for.(54p)

*padawan 견습생 = apprentice

You've been so quiet all night long.(57p)

I'm as much to blame for sending you to school as she is.(58p)

I've got some work to do anyway.(59p)

Mom and Dad had always taken turns putting me to bed. I know it was a little babyish of me to still need them to do that, but that's just how it was with us.(59p)

*babyish 아기같은 

구슬쌤 "만능 치트키"표현 -wise, -ish 제대로 쓰는 법!


구슬쌤 "만능 치트키"표현 -wise, -ish 제대로 쓰는 법!

활용법이 무한대라고 해도 과언이 아닌 접미사 -wise, -ish를 원어민처럼 쉽게 쓰는 법을 구슬쌤께 배워봅니다. 적절한 단어가 생각나지 않을 때 썼던 표현들인데 사전적인 의미부터 외워두면 두


*dull 지루한 

Never a dull moment.(59p) 숨쉴새도 없이 바쁘다. 지루할 틈이 없어요. 

+) There’s never a dull moment when John’s around.

     존이 가까이 있으면 한 순간도 따분할 새가 없다.
+) Never a dull moment, that's what I love.  
     따분한 순간이 없는 것, 그걸 제가 엄청 좋아합니다

We were about halfway through The hobbit.(59p)

*straggle 제멋대로 자라나다, 낙오되다, 처지다

They had crossed the enchanted stream; but beyond it the path seemed to straggle on just as before, and in the forest they could see no change.(59p)


"Why do I have to be so ugly, Mommy." I whispered.

"No, baby, you're not..."

"I know I am."

She kissed me all over my face. She kissed my eyes that came down too far. She kissed my cheeks that looked punched in. She kissed my tortoise mouth.

She said soft words that I know were meant to help me, but words can't change my face.(60p)

They would take the longest way around me to avoid bumping into me in any way, like I had some germ they could catch, like my face was contagious.(61p)


*go around (소문이) 돌다, (전염병이) 유행하다, 여러 사람에게 돌아가다

And I knew after the first couple of days that word had gotten around about me, because every once in a while I'd catch a kid elbowing his friend as they passed me, or talking behind their hands as I walked by them.(61p)

Actually, I prefer not to even try to imagine it.(61p)

I don't bite. = I won't bite. 안잡아먹어. 해치지 않으니 두려워마. 

출처: https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/I+won%27t+bite


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