*butterfliesin the stomach 주로 긴장감을 나타낼 때 쓰는 숙어; 가슴이 벌렁거린다, 두근거린다 가슴이나 마음 등이 울렁거리다, 두근거리다(leap up의 또다른 표현)
Okay, so I admit that the first day of school I was so nervous that the butterflies in my stomach were more like pigeons flying around my inside.(35p)
-직역하면 '뱃속에 나비가 있어요'라는 뜻인데요. 뱃속에 나비가 있다고 상상해 보세요.
불안이나 긴장감으로 가슴이 두근두근 하기도 하고, 설렘으로 두근두근하는 마음을 표현하기도 해요.
저는 이 표현을 보면 오래 전에 봤던 영화 포레스트 검프의 한 장면이 떠올라요.
케네디 대통령을 만나기 전에 주인공인 포레스트 검프가 이렇게 말해요.
"I've got butterfliesin my stomach."
-First-Day School도 떨리는데 학교에 처음 간 어기는 얼마나 떨리고 긴장될까요? 뱃속에 나비를 넘어서 비둘기가 날아다니는 것 같다고 표현해요. 미드나 영화에도 자주 나오는 표현이니 같이 기억해 봐요.
+) I always get butterflies in my stomach before an exam. 시험 전에는 항상 떨린다
+) I'm getting butterflies in my stomach. 너무 긴장이 되어서 떨려요. +) I've got butterflies in my stomach because I have a meeting with my girlfriend's parents. 여자 친구 부모님을 만나야 해서 너무 긴장돼요.
+) Whenever I see her, I get butterflies in my stomach. 그녀를 볼 때마다 나는 너무 설레요.
Up until a few days before, we still weren't sure I would be going to school at all.(35p)
"Everyone's just as nervous as you are," said Via in my ear.(36p)
*plop 퐁당[툭] 하고 떨어지다, 퐁당 (하는 소리)
Then he plopped his backpack up really high on the right side of the desk so it was kind of like a wall between his desk and mine. (39p)
I kind of felt everyone's eyes burning into my back for the few seconds I stood in the front of the class, and everybody looked down when i walked back to my desk.(39p)
*curse [kɜːrs] 욕하다, 악담을 퍼붓다, 욕(설), 악담
He was getting frustrated and kind of cursing under his breath.(39p)
*at least 최소한
But if you do forget, which happens at least three point two times per semester, Mrs. Garcia has a list of all the combination numbers.(40p)
*the most 제일, 가장
She smiled at everyone, though I felt like she was smiling at me the most.(40p)
▶어기가 상상한 선생님 모습
《Jimmy Neutron 천재소년 지미 뉴트론: 2001년 개봉한 미국의 애니메이션 영화>에 나오는 Miss Fowl
I guess I thought she'd look like Miss Fowl from Jimmy Neutron: an old lady with a big bun on top of her head.(40p)
Miss Fowl from Jimmy Neutron: 이미지 출처 구글
▶ 실제 선생님 모습
Star Wars에 나오는 Mon Mothma
But, in fact, she looked exactly like Mon Mothma from Star Wars Episode VI: haircut kind of like a boy's, and a big white shirt kind of like a tunic.
Mon Mothma from Star Wars 이미지 출처 구글
That's what I was thinking when Ms. Petosa called my name and suddenly it was my turn to talk.(43p)
*padawan 견습생 =apprentice
*shrivele [ˈʃrɪvl] 쪼글쪼글해지다, 쪼글쪼글하게 만들다, 오그라들다
His skin gets all shriveled up and his whole face just kind of melts.(44p)
+) It is cold enough to shrivel one up. 몸이 오그라들 정도로 춥다 +) It meant to shrivel up or to wrinkle. 오그라들거나 주름진다는 것을 의미했습니다.
*zoom (아주 빨리) 붕[쌩/휭] 하고 가다 (=rush, whizz), 급등[급증]하다, (자동차가 빠르게) 쌩 하고 지나가는 소리
I just zoomed out of the class and down the hall and sat down as far from the front as possible.(45p)
*doodle (특히 지루해 하거나 딴 생각을 하면서) 뭔가를 끼적거리다, 낙서하다
*(every) once in a while 가끔, 이따금
*sneak 살금살금[몰래] 움직이다 (=creep), (흔히 허락을 받지 않고) 몰래 하다[가져가다]
I was mostly doodlling in my notebook while he talked, but every once in a while I would sneak a look at the other students.(45p)
+) I often doodle when I’m on the phone. 나는 통화를 하면서 흔히 뭔가를 끼적거린다.
*precept[ˈpriːsept] 교훈, 가르침, 계율, (행동) 수칙
It says: 'Know Thyself,'" he said, smiling and nodding. "And learning who you are is what you're here to do."(47p)
-옳은 것과 친절한 것 중에서 고민한다면, 친절을 택하라.
*precept[ˈpriːsept] 교훈, 가르침, 계율, (행동) 수칙
*no matter what 비록 무엇이 ~할지라도, 무슨 일이 있어도
As I wrote down Mr. Browne's September precept, I suddenly realized that I was going to like school. No matter what.(48p)
+) school precept 교육학 교훈(校訓) +) historical precept 역사적 교훈 +) Practice is better than precept. 속담] 실행은 교훈보다 더 낫다.
*out of the corner of one's eye 곁눈질로, 흘끗보고
I knew that people were nudging each other, watching me out of the corners of their eyes.(49, 50p)
While she was talking, I noticed Julian staring at me out of the corner of his eye. This is something I see people do a lot with me.(27p)