페어런트후드 시즌 2, 2화
미드 페어런트후드 시즌2, 2화 대본/줄거리/영어단어 문장해석
*단어구문 정리
deed 증서
territory 지역, 영토, (업무, 활동) 구역
fidgety (지루해서 초조해서) 가만히 못 있는
prance (과장되게, 뽐내며) 활보하다, 깡충거리며 다니다
hold out (손 등을) 내밀다
in private 다른 사람이 없는 데서 ↔in public
pep 활기, 생기
pep talk 격려의 말
go with the flow (자연스러운) 흐름에 맡기다
flow 흐름, 흐르다, 계속 흘러가다[이동하다]
nepotism 친족등용, 족벌주의, 정실인사
comfort 위로[위안]하다, 위로, 위안
the next thing I know (구어) 깨닫고 보니, 어느 틈엔가
lamebrain 바보, 멍청이, 얼간이
overcompensate 과잉보상을 하다
-to do more than you need to do in trying to correct a fault
sign off on something ~에 대해 승인[허가]를 하다
annoyance 짜증, 약이 오름, 골칫거리
come along (원하는 대로) 되어 가다[나아지다] =progress, 도착하다, 생기다, 함께 가다[오다]
give someone a shot ~에게 기회를 주다
You're gonna have to deal with it.
It's good on its own.
Grandma and frandpa will look after you.
Take it easy.
I can help her with.
Make it happen!
I don't see why not.
We're on.
I don't even know what I'm supposed to be doing great at.
All you gotta do is go with the flow. Just listen and learn.
It was just a day like any other day, and the next thing I know, we're getting divorced.
What can I do to help you?
Anything Adam and I can do?
I haven't even been here that long. I'm doing so well.
I better get back to work.
You wanna give a second shot, see how it goes?
You might end up being friends.
페어런트후드 시즌 2, 2화 대본