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(11월 9일)
NPR Podcast: The Indicator from Planet Money
Questions from Kids
-이번 자료 정리는 17번 허니버니님께서 준비해 주셨습니다. 진심으로 감사드립니다-
Day 1(11월 9일)
*단어구문 정리
once in a while: 종종 (=from time to time; occasionally)
going on something: (=nearing something)
ex) It’s going on 4 o’clock. 4시가거의다됐다.
out of work: 실직한,기계가고장난
hit up: 1. to ask someone for something (especially for money)
2. to call someone, contact them
wise beyond your ages: with more knowledge and experience than most people have at your age
end up -ing: 결국-하게되다.
microbiology: 미생물학
at any one time: 어느한때,구체적인시기가정해지지않은어느특정한때 (=at any given time)
cf. 1. at any time: 아무때나,언제든지 ex) Please see me at any time!
cf. 2. at one time: 한때 ex) At one time, I used to go swimming every Sunday.
do someone in: 녹초가되게하다.
feel for: ~을가여워하다, ~에게동정심을느끼다
nail it: 해내다,성공하다,합격하다
docent: 1. (대학에서정규교수가아닌) 강사 2. (박물관등의) 안내원
CARES Act: CARES = The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security
microscopic mites: 모낭충
follicle: 모낭
Twelve going on 45.
12살이뭐거의 45살같네요. (12살짜리가 45살처럼말하네요.)
You are wise beyond your 12 years.
넌 12살인데또래들보다훨씬더똑똑하구나.
What the stock market does a really good job at is serving as a reflection of a group of very large corporations.
And because those companies are so big, whenever they do well, they end up pulling up the whole stock market, even though for most companies, the last eight months have been really, really tough.
지난 8개월동안대부분의회사들이엄청나게힘들었겠지만,대기업들은굉장히크기때문에성과가잘나올때마다주식시장전체를끌어올리게되지요.
Do you know, Stacey Vanek Smith, that alligators have, like, 80 teeth in their mouth, like, rougly at any one time?
스테이시, 악어가살면서어느한때에는입속에약 80개의이빨을갖고있다는거알아요?
I mean, I had four wisdom teeth pulled, and that almost did me in.
제가사랑니를 4개뽑았는데요,그때거의녹초가됐었거든요. (정말힘들었어요.)
So I’m feeling a little bit for the alligators.
A college degree pays dividends in the future in terms of your earnings, and it’s great.
However, it doesn’t mean that you should go into debt so that it’s taking you decades to pay off that college degree.
Students should borrow total for four years of college - the total amount should not exceed what you think you can earn in your first job out of school.
But if you're an art history major and your first job out of school - if you're lucky to get one - is a minimum wage job as you are, you know, basically, a free docent somewhere, you cannot borrow a lot of money.
In fact, this is one of the main reasons that Congress cannot get another economic aid bill passed.
As part of the CARES Act, which was passed back in March, people who are getting unemployment insurance benefits also got an extra $600 every week from the government for help.
지난 3월에통과된 CARES 법안중한부분으로,실업보험수당금을받으려는사람들은또한정부로부터매주원조로 600불을받았어요.
They won’t have an incentive to go out to find a job.
And on the other side, you've got people saying that not giving people that extra $600 is bad for businesses because if people are earning what they did before they lost their jobs, they will keep spending about the same amount of money on food and clothes and other things.