There's no one way to enjoy nature. How to find what works for you and get outside
팟캐스트 어휘정리
segregate 분리하다
sentiment 심리, 정서, 감정
anthropologist 인류학자
ancestral 조상의, 선조의, 대대로 내려오는
colonialism 식민지주의, 강점기
settler colonialism 정착형 식민주의
ground ~에 기반을 두다
incorporate into 통합된, 합병된, 편입한
vibrant 활기찬, 생기가 넘치는 =exciting
steward : manage or look after (another's property)
plaques 새겨진 판, 명판(사람·사건 등을 기려 이름과 날짜를 적어 벽에 붙여 놓은 물건)
second-guess 예측, 추측하다
incorporate 포함하다, 합병하다, 섞다
contemporary 동시대의, 현대의
presence 존재, 영향력
oarsman (특히 팀의 한 사람으로서) 노 젓는 사람
anomaly 변칙, 이례
underrepresented 잘 드러나지 않은, 적은 비율로 대표된
queer 성소수자 (레즈비언 · 게이 · 양성애자 ·트랜스젠더 등)를 포괄하는 단어
nonbinary 제3의 성((여성도 남성도 아닌 성별로 이분법적인 성별에 속하지 아니하고 트렌스젠더나 젠더퀴어에 속하는 사람)) =genderqueer
neurodivergent 뇌신경의 차이로 인해 발생하는 다름, 자폐성, 지적스펙트럼, ADHD, LD, SCD, 조현스펙트럼, 성격장애 등을 가진 사람들
commune 이야기를 나누다, 마음이 통하다, 공동체
commune with somebody/something ~와 교감하다
2. Find your people
Finding a crew who enjoys the same activities you do takes some of the pressure off trying to navigate the outdoors alone, and it's an important way to stay safe in more remote areas. In a world where we're constantly inundated with images of what an "outdoorsy person" should look like, finding your people might feel like a challenge.
Ash Manning is a plus-size explorer who hasn't always felt welcomed on whitewater rafting excursions or overnight hikes. "I think being bigger, it's always been like, 'Am I the only one doing this?' The answer is no, absolutely not," Manning says.
Eventually, the Appalachian native found Unlikely Hikers, a nationwide hiking group for "adventurers who are plus-size & fat, Black, Indigenous, People of Color, queer, trans and non-binary, disabled, neurodivergent and beyond."
Remember, you don't have to be outdoors to experience its wonder. We are a part of nature, and nature is a part of us — regardless of where we are.
Need a quick break from your "work screen time" for some "fun screen time?" There's a nature fix for that: Check out the #FindThatLizard game on Twitter and Instagram. Science communicator and herpetologist Earyn McGee posts a picture of a lizard "camouflaged in its natural environment, and people have to find the lizard in the photo." You don't even have to leave your couch to play.
Trying to get off screens? You can barbecue in your yard or the park, enjoy natural scents with an aromatherapy diffuser or open a window to get some fresh air. These are great options if you're living in a city, or if you're disabled, immunocompromised or on a budget.