
NPR 팟캐스트 영어회화

NPR Podcast Life Kit


outdoorsy 옥외[야외]에 적합한, 외출용의; 옥외 생활[운동]을 좋아하는

outdoorsy person 외부활동을 좋아하는 사람

with greater ease  더 쉽게 = very easily

enthusiast 열렬한 지지자, 열광적인 팬

nature enthusiast 자연애호가

footing (사람 단체 사이의) 입장[관계], 기반[발판/토대], 발을 디딤

sweeping 광범위한, 압도적인, 포괄적인, 휘몰아치는

wilderness[ |wɪldərnəs ] 황야, 황무지, (돌보지 않아서) 버려진 땅[황폐지]

weeklong 1주일에 걸친[걸쳐서]

indigenous 원산, 토착의

embark 승선하다, 승선시키다

embark on 착수하다, 시작하다

excursions (보통 단체로 짧게 하는) 여행

per se 그 자체로, 본래

sheer (다른 것이 섞이지 않은) 순수한[순전한] (=utter)

reap 보답 따위를 받다, 수확하다

reap benefit 혜택을 누리다

the thing is 실은(중요한 사실·이유·해명을 언급하려고 할 때 씀)

comprehensive 포괄적인, 종합적인

tap into ~에 다가가다, 활용하다,  ...에 다가가다, 친구가 되다

essential component 필수요소

bits of 조그마한, 하찮은

ethology 동물행동학

restorative 원기를 회복시키는

micro-restorative 강장제

pivotal 중심축의

to put it simply 간단히 말하면

herpetology 파충류학자

tap into ~에 다가가다, 활용하다

inclusive 폭넓은, 포괄적인

exclusive 독점적인,  배타적인


There's no one way to enjoy nature. How to find what works for you and get outside


There's no one way to enjoy nature. How to find what works for you and get outside : Life Kit

Enjoying the outdoors can look like anything from walking the dog to celebrating Indigenous culture — you don't have to hike the tallest mountain peaks or go camping to love nature. Learn how to find your footing in nature in a way that works best for yo



Being "outdoorsy" can stir up images of big beautiful national parks, snowy slopes or lush, green forests. But smaller moments in nature, like walking my dog around the neighborhood or even listening to a rain sounds playlist as I fall asleep, have been just as valuable — and don't require the time, money or physical mobility of a big trip. 


No matter how you access it, a growing body of research shows that nature has enormous emotional and cognitive benefits on people "including improved attention, lower stress, better mood, reduced risk of psychiatric disorders and even upticks in empathy and cooperation," according to the American Psychological Association. 


1. Think of time in nature as a "multivitamin" — it's best to take it every day 

Getting your daily dose of nature is vital to your well-being, says Ming Kuo, who runs the Landscape and Human Health Lab at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. "Nature helps our mental muscles relax and recover," she explains.

For example, if you're spending hours staring at a computer screen or reading something difficult, you might feel pretty exhausted afterward. "If we get our breaks or even our micro restorative moments" by getting outside, Kuo says, "we recover some capacity to use that mental muscle so we can do things that are hard to do."


And it's not just our brains that benefit from nature. Kuo says our immune systems need it, too. "Our research suggests that it's not a luxury," says Kuo. "It's actually what you need to function well. ... It's kind of like a multivitamin."


If you can't physically get outside, you can still access nature and reap the benefits: Take a break twatch the birds from your window or tend to your houseplants.


"Nature includes everything from 'capital N' beautiful, spectacular, untouched wilderness all the way to a window box," says Kuo.



팟캐스트 대본

There's no one way to enjoy nature. How to find what works for you and get outside

There's no one way to enjoy nature. How to find what works for you and get outside.docx


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