
NPR 팟캐스트 영어회화

NPR Podcast Life Kit

North American birds are in decline. Here are 8 simple ways you can help

 ornithology 조류학

neck of the wood 가까운 곳; 근처, 지역, 일대

migration (철새,사람등의) 이주

breed 새끼를 낳다, 번식하다.사육하다, 재배하다, 품종, 유형

breeding ground 번식지

poultry 가금류

on the spot 즉석에서, 현장에서

on the reg = regularly 정기적으로, 자주

coop 닭장, (짐승) 우리

entry point to ~에의 진입점

dire 대단히 심각한, 엄청난, 지독한

resilient 회복력이 강한

tie up 단단히 묶이다

1 in 4: 4분의 1

to put that in perspective 좀 더 설명하자면, 상황을 고려해본다면

trajectory 궤도

mortality (특정 기간 상황에서의) 사망자 수[사망률], 필사

catio 애완 고양이를 위한 집 밖의 공간


I love this time of year, because that means lots of birds are migrating to their breeding grounds. I live along the Central Flyway migration corridor, so I get to see a lot of birds I usually don't see during non-migration months. Last spring, I was lucky enough to spot a Painted Bunting, a Blackburnian Warbler, and an Orchard Oriole, just to name a few!


But in North America, we've seen a staggering loss of birds. A 2019 study led by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology found that there are 3 billion fewer breeding birds than in 1970. To put that into context: we've lost roughly one in four birds over the course of my parents' lifetime. More than 90% of these losses are of common birds, like sparrows, blackbirds and finches.


Birds can serve as indicator species, which are species that help us understand how healthy an ecosystem is. "If we're seeing them decline, then we know something is wrong with our environment and that should concern us, because our health is tied up in the same shared environment," says Miyoko Chu, the director of communications at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.



North American birds are in decline. Here are 8 simple ways you can help


North American birds are in decline. Here are 8 simple ways you can help : Life Kit

Birds are what scientists call "indicator species" – their health helps us understand the health of our environment. In this episode of Life Kit, we get expert tips on how we can help birds survive, and thrive.



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