
NPR Podcast 

Short Wave

To Be DST, Or Not To Be. That Is The Question.


To Be DST, Or Not To Be. That Is The Question. : Short Wave

This month, the U.S. Senate unanimously approved a bill to make daylight saving time permanent. Now sleep scientists are weighing in and are suggesting the opposite — that standard time might be a better choice. Correspondent Allison Aubrey talks to host



This month, the U.S. Senate unanimously approved a bill to make daylight saving time permanent. Now sleep scientists are weighing in and are suggesting the opposite — that standard time might be a better choice. Correspondent Allison Aubrey talks to host Emily Kwong about the pros and cons of adopting permanent daylight saving time or year-round standard time.


tradeoff 거래, 교환

circadian (24시간을 주기로 변하는 생물체의) 생물학적 주기의

synchronize 동시에 발생하다(움직이다)

synchrony 동시성

pancreas 췌장

clash 충돌, 언쟁

cacophony 불협화음

bipartisan 양당의

opt out (of something) ~에 참여하지 않기로 하다

cardiac 심장병의

cardiologist 심장병 전문의

unanimously 만장일치로

arrhythmia  부정맥

atrial fibrillation  심방잔떨림. 심방세동

over the edge 머리가 돌아서, 미쳐서

nail down 확실하게 하다, 해결하다

analogy 비유, 유사점

abrupt  돌연한, 갑작스러운

팟캐스트 대본

To Be DST, Or Not To B e. That Is The Question..docx


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