
 영어의 기본 문장을 이해해서 다른 문장에 응용하는 방법까지 자세히 설명해주는 강의라서 정말 유익합니다. 영어회화의 기초실력을 다지기에 좋습니다. 강의를 듣고 입으로 반복해서 따라해 봅니다. 


오늘 외울 문장입니다.

I have something to do.

I have a lot of work to do.

I have a lot of work to catch up on.

I just have a few more things to take care of.


단순한 영어 문장 → 섬세한 영어 문장: 할 일이 있다→ 몇 가지만 해결하면 된다 (7분 39초)


I have something (that I have) to do.

I have some things to do.

I have a lot (of things) to do.

I have a lot of work to do.

She has improved a lot, but she still has a lot of work to do. 


I have a lot of work to catch up on.

I just have a few more things to take care of.

(= I have just a few more things ...)


I have something to do.

저는 할 것이 있습니다.

I have some things to do.

저는 할 것들이 좀 있습니다.

I have a lot (of things) to do.

저는 할 게 많습니다.

I have a lot of work to do.

저는 할 일이 많습니다/ 노력할 부분이 많다 / 노력을 더 해야 한다

She has improved a lot, but she still has a lot of work to do. 

그녀는 많이 발전해 왔지만, 아직 많은 노력을 해야 한다. 


I have a lot of work to catch up on.

일이 많이 밀렸다 (밀린 일이 많다).

I have so much work catch up on. 

I just have a few more things to take care of.

(= I have just a few more things ...)

몇 가지만 더 해결하면 돼.



- 강의 내용 정리 -

*catch up on (밀린 일, 뒤떨어진 일을) 따라잡다, 만회하다

*catch up with (대상, 누군가를) 따라잡다


*take care of something 처리하다, 해결하다

*take care of somebody 돌보다


"일이 밀렸다" 관련 강의 : https://youtu.be/TLCNn18XXnQ

"catch up with/on" / "keep up with" / "keep track of" 구동사 강의 : https://youtu.be/xC2ynCDi1PY





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