
매직트리하우스 12권 Polar Bears Past Bedtime 챕터 1-5 매직낭독 1기팀의 매직문장입니다.

영어 온라인 스터디인 매직낭독의 공동 영어노트입니다. 함께 만든 영어 노트를 보며 하루 영어공부를 마무리하는 시간 되세요. 


영어원서 챕터북 매직트리하우스 #12 줄거리/단어구문/문장해석


영어원서 챕터북 매직트리하우스 #12 줄거리/단어구문/문장해석

매직트리하우스 엄마표 초등영어 필독서, 영어 원서 읽기를 도와주는  챕터북의 교과서, 챕터북의 대명사로 손꼽히는 매직트리하우스! 영어 원서로 수월히 넘어갈 수 있게 도와주는 대표적인



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 줍줍매직문장 프로젝트는 매직트리하우스를 하루 한 챕터씩 소리내어 읽은 주요 문장들을 머리 속에서 구체화시키는 작업입니다. 인풋과 아웃풋을 위한 가장 좋은 영어공부 방법이 바로 영어낭독법입니다. 매직트리하우스의 좋은 영어문장, 기본적인 영어문장을 자꾸 소리내어 읽어서 내 입에 착착 붙이는 연습을 해 봅니다. 매직문장 프로젝트로 매일 자신의 영어공부를 정리하면 좋겠습니다


[줍줍매직문장] 12권-1장 Are You Serious?

  • In a split second, Annie was out of bed.
  • He didn't want to be left behind.  
  • So he took off after her.
  • I’ll get Annie.
  • Indeed I am.
  • Jack jumped in a fear.
  • Are you serious?


[줍줍매직문장] 12권-2장 The Howling

  • But sometimes I bring out the courage in you.
  • "I'd better write it down."
  • It was mixed with yipping and yelping noises.
  • He wishes he were back home in bed.
  • He was too cold to write any more.
  • Jack couldn’t stand it any longer.
  • He clutched his pack against his chest and blew on his fingers.


[줍줍매직문장] 12권-3장 Mush!

  • The seal hunter smiled as if he was not surprised at all.
  • The seal hunter cracked a long whip.
  • You were in it .
  • He went out headfirst and barely squeezed through.
  • That would be a tight fit.
  • He wiggled his frozen fingers into the warm mittens.


[줍줍매직문장] 12권-4장  Snow House

  • This is how my father taught me to hunt seal, as his father taught him.
  • Dry snow is good wall materials because it keeps in the heat.
  • Just as the seal has given us many gifts, so has the polar bear.
  • They help us because they know we would die without them.
  • Nearly every part of the seal could be eaten.
  • The temperature inside an igloo can be 65 degrees warmer than the temperature outside.


[줍줍매직문장] 12-5장 You're It!

  • She was laughing so hard that she couldn't stand.
  • You’re it.
  • Jack and Annie charged after the cubs.
  • He looked around for the mother bear, but she was nowhere in sight.
  • Jack rolled onto his side and tried to stand.
  • They ran until the two cubs fell down ahead of them.
  • Let’s rest for just a minute.


매직트리하우스 1권부터 자료정리 - 줄거리/ 단어구문/ 문장해석 정리 바로가기 


'리딩(매직트리하우스)/매직낭독 자료' 카테고리의 글 목록

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