매직트리하우스 9권 Dolphins at Daybreak 챕터 6-10 매직낭독 1기팀의 매직문장입니다.
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매직트리하우스 Magic Tree House # 9 줄거리/영어단어/문장해석
매직트리하우스 Magic Tree House # 9 줄거리/영어단어/문장해석
영어원서읽기의 기초! 챕터북 매직트리하우스로 시작하세요!!! 폼나게~ 영어원서 읽기! 너무너무 하고 싶으시죠. 그런데 그 폼나는 영어원서를 몇 장 넘기지 못하는 현실!!! 챕터북의 대명사로
[ 줍줍매직문장 ] 9 권 -6장 C-R-A-C-K
A thin crack ran along the ceiling.
Sometimes, though, curiosity gets the best of it and comes out of hiding.
Smaller cracks branched out from it.
Jack could feel his heart nearly stop.
We'll never get rid of this thing.
I don’t think it wants to hurt us.
The creature blinked, as if trying to understand her.
[ 줍줍매직문장 ] 9 권 -7장 Remain Calm
It’s a good thing we had swimming lessons this summer.
It bobbed on the waves like a cork.
If you ever see a shark in the water, don't splash.
Swim calmly away.
Be calm.
"We have to get to the top."
"It doesn't look that far."
She slipped out of the mini- sub.
[ 줍줍매직문장 ] 9 권 -8장 Swim for Your Life!
Sometimes Annie went even faster than Jack, which made him swim faster.
He just kept his eye on the tree house in the distance.
They floated the way they had learned in swimming class.
The more Jack floated, the more tired he felt.
I better not tell Annie.
We better do the breast stroke.(ch7)
Jack realized the reef was farther away than he had thought.
Had the hammerhead caught up with them?
Jack was so scared that he wasn’t tired at all.
[줍줍매직문장 ] 9권 -9장 Ouch!
In this way, over a few years, a pearl is formed.
The riddle had faded away.
Maybe we should bang it against a rock.
"I stepped on something." Annie bent down to rub her foot.
Jack couldn't resist.
I wanted you stay calm.
Jack lowered his feet.
[ 줍줍매직문장 ] 9 권 -10장 The True Pearl
The dolphins made up for everything.
Not one bit, called Jack.
Then he and Annie slipped up the stairs to change their clothes.
I know, but we wouldn't have had so much fun.
Day was breaking.
No time at all had passed since they'd left.
I wonder what Sam is doing right now.
매직트리하우스 1권부터 자료정리 - 줄거리/ 단어구문/ 문장해석 정리 바로가기
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가장 효과좋은 영어공부방법 - 영어 낭독이 진리다!
영어 낭독 스터디 그룹인 [매직낭독]+[매직발음]에 회원님 2분이 주말에 새로 조인하셨습니다. 이제 28분의 회원님들과 함께 합니다. 새로 오신 회원님께서 첫 숙제를 올리시고, 잠시 인사 말씀