매직트리하우스 8권 Midnigt on the Moon 챕터 6-10 매직낭독 1기 팀의 매직문장입니다.
영어 온라인 스터디인 매직낭독 1기 7/26-7/30 한 주간 공동 영어 노트입니다. 함께 만든 영어 노트를 보며 하루 영어공부를 마무리하는 시간 되세요.
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영어원서 챕터북 매직트리하우스 #8 줄거리/영어단어/문장정리해석
영어원서 챕터북 매직트리하우스 #8 줄거리/영어단어/문장정리해석
영어원서의 시작! 챕터북의 대명사- 매직트리하우스 챕터북의 대명사로 손꼽히는 매직트리하우스를 차근히 읽으며 기초 영어 능력을 쌓아 보기를 추천합니다. 아는 단어일 것 같은데 막상 책
[줍줍매직문장] 8권 - 6장 High Jump
More than once the buggy nearly tipped over.
His suit made even that impossible.
Jack was relieved to hear her voice.
He's standing above me.
He jumped as high as he could.
She shouted, and took giant, leaping steps toward the meteorite.
It was more than twice as tall as she was.
I feel like it’s been two hours.
[줍줍매직문장] 8권-7장 One Star to Another
This must be the fourth M thing!
He’s not hooked up to the our radio.
Annie rolled Jack onto his back.
”I don't think he can hear us.”
His face was hidden by a metal visor.
There was silence.
It was as big as a refrigerator.
I’ll write him a message.
We'll never know now.
Jack’s heart nearly stopped.
We come in peace from Korea.
[ 줍줍매직문장 ] 8 권 -8장 One Star to Another
It was great to be free-even if he no longer felt as light as a feather.
As they moved clumsily into the spacesuit storeroom, felt heavy again.
Soon they'd be heading home.
Jack was relieved to see the tree house still there .
Jack was relieved to hear her voice.( ch6)
Jack was dying to free his arms and legs.
[ 줍줍매직문장 ] 8 권 -9장 Morgan
I thank you both with all my heart.
You have freed me from the magician’s spell.
"Let's just say we had a little talk."
I bet it was you who turned the pages of the books.
“I mean you were trying to say!”
But only for a moment.
He doesn't even know I have two brave friends who help me.
[줍줍매직문장] 8권-10장 Earth Life
Morgan’s words came back to him.
What makes you say that?
"I've been gone from Camelot for a long time."
He pushed his glasses into place.
Who do you think he was?
매직트리하우스 1권부터 자료정리 - 줄거리/ 단어구문/ 문장해석 정리 바로가기
'리딩(매직트리하우스)/매직낭독 자료' 카테고리의 글 목록
영어 공부를 습관으로 만들어 꾸준히 함께 성장하는 스터디 공간입니다. 미국 보스턴 아줌마가 두 아이 키우며 영어 공부해 가는 과정(공부한 자료들을 정리)을 담고 있습니다.