NPR 팟캐스트
Jimmy O. Yang can't take a compliment
Wild Card with Rachel Martin
I'll pay extra to not look at the ocean.
What's a place you consider sacred?
*this and that 이것저것[이런저런 것/일]
I love having birthday parties, whatever, this and that.
*a walk of life 개별적인 삶의 방식, 생활 방식., (사람의) 직업, (사회적인) 위치 (=background)
*walks of life 다양한 삶의 방식, 사회 계층
*pull together (흩어진 것을) 모으다, 정리하다, (조직적으로 다툼 없이) 함께 일하다[협력하다]
It's, like, 12 of my closest friends from different walks of life that I pulled together.
+) People of different walks of life were gathered there.
+) I spent quite a bit of time there and met people from different walks of life.
Adult dudes have a hard time communicating feelings and things like that.
*bond at ~에서 유대감을 형성하다, 친목을 다지다
It's nice to have a consistent friendship thing that we can continuously bond at.
You get to revisit one moment from your past that you would not change anything about.
There's no score in life.
You would just like to linger there a little longer.
*shoot 영화[사진] 촬영하다
*bits and pieces 이런저런 것들
We had to shoot bits and pieces.
*token 형식적인, 시늉에 불과한
We were just a token Asian in something.
*creed (종교적) 교리; 신념, 신조, 사도 신경
We just felt like we found our creed.
*camaraderie /카마라더리/ 동지애
The audience can feel just a little bit of how we felt, the camaraderie and the love.
It was such a pleasure to talk with you.
Good luck with everything.
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Jimmy O. Yang can't take a compliment
Jimmy O. Yang can't take a compliment : Wild Card with Rachel Martin
Jimmy O. Yang finds his own success unlikely. He says as an Asian-American immigrant, he "snuck in" to show business. He's worked his way from bit parts to big roles in Silicon Valley and Crazy Rich Asians, and, now, the lead role in Hulu's Interior Chinat