NPR Podcast
1. Pop Culture Happy Hour
Pop culture in high spirits
Our 2024 holiday movie guide has you covered, from Hanukkah to 'Hot Frosty'
*enchanted 마법에 걸린, 황홀한
*ride share 승차 공유 (택시, 카풀 등)
*chiseled 선이 뚜렷한, 조각칼로 조각한 듯이 날카로운 =having an attractive well-formed shape
There are TV movies about an enchanted ride share, a very chiseled snowman who comes to life.
*lowdown (무엇에 대한, 특히 가장 중요한) 진상, 실정, 정보
*give a person the lowdown on 남에게 ...의 내막을 말하다
So social media may have given you the lowdown on this one.
+) I'll give you the lowdown on the new project.
+) Can you give me the lowdown on what happened at the meeting?
It’s a very self-aware little comedy.
He's a dangerous streaker.
*revue 시사풍자극
It's a PG-13 all-male revue featuring dancing men she knows personally.
*crop up 불쑥 나타나다
*charity ball 자선 무도회
Tell us about some of the titles that crop up in holiday movies.
*dashing 멋진, 근사한
She meets a dashing wine CEO.
So that sounds like a match made in heaven to me.
*match made in heaven 하늘에서 만들어진 짝(천생연분)
It starred a few of Hallmark's top, like, leading men.
*star (영화·연극 등이 어떤 배우에게) 주연[주역]을 맡기다
We get a sequel.
NPR 팟캐스트 원문 기사 보러가기
Our 2024 holiday movie guide has you covered, from Hanukkah to 'Hot Frosty'
Our 2024 holiday movie guide has you covered, from Hanukkah to 'Hot Frosty'
Grab your blanket, your cocoa, your snuggler of choice – holiday movie season has arrived. Here's a rundown of the standard and not-so-standard offerings you'll find on TV this year.
2. Shots Health News From NPR
Shots - Health News
Feeling stuffed after the big meal? Don't flop on the sofa, take a 'fart walk'
*trimming (특별한 요리에) 곁들이는 음식
*yield (결과, 수익 등을) 내다
Even a short stroll can yield big benefits.
*catch on 유행하다, 인기를 얻다
This old idea is catching on again, thanks to TikTok.
*post-meal walk 식후 산책
People are posting videos promoting post-meal walks.
*health hack 건강을 증진하기 위한 간단한 방법이나 팁
Experts say this is one health hack social media gets right.
*bang for the buck 본전은 뽑을 수 있을만한 가치
You get more bang for the buck if you walk after meals.
*blunt 둔화시키다, 약화시키다, 완화하다
A post-meal walk can blunt that spike.
*tax 부과하다, 부담을 주다, 세금을 부과하다
High loads on the pancreas can tax it.
*conducive ~에 좋은
*deter 단념시키다
If the weather isn't conducive to an outdoor stroll, or you're just too busy binging Netflix, don't let that deter you.
Don't let that deter you.
urge 충동, 욕구
*fight the urge to ~하고 싶은 충동을 참다
Fight the urge to take a nap or turn on the TV.
NPR 팟캐스트 원문 기사 보러가기
Feeling stuffed after the big meal? Don't flop on the sofa, take a 'fart walk'
Feeling stuffed after the big meal? Don't flop on the sofa, take a 'fart walk'
Among the latest health hacks to go viral on TikTok is the idea of a short, post-dinner "fart walk" to aid digestion. Turns out, the science on this trend is solid, and so are the health benefits.