
NPR Podcast

The Indicator from Planet Money
Stocks jump, the temperamental peso, and other election aftermath indicators


*temperamental 신경질적인, 괴팍한,기질적인

You are here at a pivotal time.

Some stuff has happened this week.

*cryosleep 냉동 수면

You've woken up from your cryosleep just in time.

We've got stocks jumping.

The peso dropped down into the dumps.

You are up first.

It is the biggest post-Election Day spike ever, according to Bloomberg.

*corporate tax 법인세

Donald Trump has promised lower corporate tax rates than Kamala Harris.

It makes sense that this would have boosted share prices.

That is going to be a big shift from the Biden administration that was putting up a lot of barriers.

*salivate 침을 흘리다

+) saliva 침, 타액

Wall Street is salivating over which companies they might be able to merge or acquire.

It is interesting that the stock market has gone up so much.

*sweeping 전면적인, 광범위한

*deportation 추방, 강제출국

Given all of the warnings that We heard from economists about the potential costs of huge sweeping tariffs and deportations under a Trump administration.

It has been a wild week to watch what went up, what went down.

*segue [세그웨이] (한 가지 노래·주제·장소 등에서 다른 것으로 부드럽게) 넘어가다[이어지다]

*segue into 자연스럽게 넘어가다

It actually is a perfect segue into my Indicator of the Week.

*beat out 제치다, 이기다, 따라잡다, 물리치다

Over the past year, Mexico beat out Canada and China, and became the U.S.'s largest trading partner.

*tack on 추가하다, 덧붙이다

Trump has said that he's considering tacking on a 25% tariff on all goods imported from Mexico.

+) They decided to tack on a few more features to the product.

+) They tacked on an extra fee at the end.

There's actually no firm percentage that has been set yet.

*a ballot measure 투표 법안

Voters in both states approved ballot measures to raise their minimum wages.

Dozens of states have taken their own action.

It's going to go up gradually over the next few years.

*increment (수·양의) 증가, (정기적인) 임금 인상

*increments 증가(분)

That will also go up in increments.

Who's gonna turn down an extra thousand bucks a year?

*as of …현재

*as of this recording (이 녹음이 이루어진) 현재 시점에서

*too close to call 접전인, 아슬아슬한 접전이어서 판정하기 어려운, 승패를 가리기 힘든

As of this recording, that vote is still too close to call.

Californian minimum wage workers glued to the TV screens.

사람들이 TV를 매우 집중해서 보고 있다는 표현으로, 보통 중요한 뉴스나 이벤트에 주의를 기울이고 있을 때 사용



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Stocks jump, the temperamental peso, and other election aftermath indicators : The Indicator from Planet Money

It's ... Indicators of the Week! It's that time of week when we look at the most fascinating economic numbers from the news. On today's episode: Election aftermath. Stocks jump, the temperamental Mexican peso, and which states are raising minimum wage.Rela






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