페어런트후드 시즌 4, 10화
*put out the joint 담배(대마초)를 끄다
She starts to put out the joint.
*guru 전문가, 권위자, 스승
You're my guru.
*dope 마약, 불법 약물
*dope up 마약을 하다, 약을 복용하다, (비격식적으로) 취하다
I was just doping it up.
And you don't even have to explain yourself. I'm glad that you're getting help with the Chemo.
I'm going over his homework with him.
Like you're doing it all.
I also just really want him to catch up, get caught up…
*trench 도랑 해자 참호 해구
*in the trenches (어려운 상황 따위의) 전면에 서서, 최전선에서
When you're in the trenches, as a parent, do not feel guilty about this, okay?
You gotta do what you gotta do. And you gotta go with what works.
We just got to put in the time, okay?
*ace 시험에 무조건 합격하다, 시험에 합격할 것을 확신하다
If you work hard on this, I promise you, you're gonna ace the test.
*screwe the pooch 헛되게 시간을 보내다
You really screwed the pooch on that one, kid. 이번엔 정말 큰 실수를 저질렀군.
Can I say something? Sarah has been really helpful, like a shoulder to lean on.
*sham 가짜, 허풍, 모조의, 모조품
She knew this whole thing was a sham.
*cut somebody some slack ~을 덜 몰아붙이다
What I'm trying to say is maybe cut her a little slack.
I should cut her some slack?
You should mind your own business.
It could stop the streak, maybe.
미드영어 페어런트후드 대본 S04E10 Day 1
미드영어 페어런트후드 대본 S04E10 Day 1
추천미드 영어회화 페어런트후드 시즌 4, 10화 Get your day started out right.That has my name on it.*click (불현듯) 딱 분명해지다[이해가 되다], 즉각 좋아하게 되다, 마음이 통하다; 인기를 얻다It clicked, to me