페어런트후드 시즌 4, 10화
It didn't look like nothing.
You were all over him! 그 남자한테 막 들이대서 그래!
*walk in on …와 우연히 마주치다(=come across unexpectedly).
*walk in on someone ~하는 장면을 우연히 목격하다, ~하는 것을 딱 걸리다
Like I walked in on you guys!
No, you didn't walk in on anything!
+) My little brother walked in on me trying to learn how to dance. It was so embarrassing!
동생이 내가 춤 연습하는 걸 우연히 봤어. 정말 창피했지!
+) I couldn't believe my eyes when I walked in on my cat playing the piano.
고양이가 피아노 치는 걸 우연히 봤을 때 정말 놀랐어.
+) She walked in on her parents arguing and felt really upset.
그녀는 부모님이 다투는 걸 우연히 듣고 많이 속상했어.
So I made up some excuse and got on a plane to come apologize to you, because I thought that's what we should do.
*learning curve 학습 곡선 (새로운 것을 배우는 데 시간이 걸리고 점차 능숙해지는 과정)
;a process where people develop a skill by learning from their mistakes.
It's a learning curve.
*get the hang of something ~에 익숙해지다, 요령을 터득하다 Still getting the hang of it.
Just take your time with it, you know?
*hack 자르다
Not racing these guys. Make sure you measure it out before you... Hack it.
It's my time of the month.
I had an exceptionally bad night.
I really appreciate you making the time.
*power strip 전기 콘센트
Do you know that that power strip is completely overloaded?
I seriously doubt that the wiring in this building is up to code.
*three-alarm fire 3단계 화재, 대규모 화재
Do you know that you could have a three-alarm fire within minutes?
Thank you very much for pointing that out.
I'll look into it and make sure that it's not overloaded.
*precedence [ˈpresɪdəns] 우선(함), (=priority)
*take precedence 우선하다, 더 중요하다
Since you're early, that definitely takes precedence.
*walk (all) over somebody ~를 함부로 대하다, ~를 무시하다, ~를 깔보다
They walk all over you.
+) I can't believe she would walk all over you like that. She's not a true friend.
네가 그렇게 함부로 당하는 걸 도저히 이해할 수 없어. 진정한 친구가 아니야.
+) Don't let anyone walk all over you. You deserve to be treated with respect.
누구에게도 함부로 당하지 마. 너는 존중받을 자격이 있어.
*case in point 대표적 사례 좋은 예, 적절한 사례
Case in point.
I've had some pressing family matters to deal with.
*trivial 사소한 unimportant
She's acting like it's trivial.
She's going through chemo and, as you can imagine, it's been a very difficult time.
*crass [kræs] 무례한, 상스러운, 무신경한, 우둔한, 거친, 두꺼운
That'd be really crass.
+) To make fun of someone's appearance like that is really crass.
남의 외모를 비웃는 건 정말 무례한 거야.
+) It would be crass to ask someone about their salary.
남의 월급을 묻는 것은 매우 무례한 일이야.
*curt 퉁명스러운 (=abrupt, brusque)
*curtly 간결하게, 퉁명스럽게
미드영어 페어런트후드 대본 S04E10 Day 1
미드영어 페어런트후드 대본 S04E10 Day 1
추천미드 영어회화 페어런트후드 시즌 4, 10화 Get your day started out right.That has my name on it.*click (불현듯) 딱 분명해지다[이해가 되다], 즉각 좋아하게 되다, 마음이 통하다; 인기를 얻다It clicked, to me