
NPR Podcast


Preserving humanity in the age of robots


*hardwired 본능적으로, 선천적으로

hardwired to ~하도록 본능적으로 설계되어 있다

Human beings are hardwired to search for social connection.

*ascribe <원인·동기·기원 등을> …에 돌리다, <결과 등을> …의 탓으로 돌리다

*ascribe something to somebody/something ~에 ~을 부여하다

*ascribe a personality to ~에게 성격을 부여하다

They ascribe a personality to their Roombas.

*as though 마치 ~인 것처럼

They act and look and move as though they do.

*exquisitely매우 정교하게, 세밀하게.

*tailored to 에 맞추어진, ~에 최적화된

They respond in ways that are very exquisitely tailored to us.

*unsettling 불안하거나 불편하게 만드는

I definitely find them unsettling at times when they're too human-like.

It's an emotional reaction that gets stirred in us.

*mark 특정한 수준[기준]

make the mark 어떤 특정한 수준이나 기준에 도달하다, 합격하다, 성공하다

There's still a way to see that it doesn't quite make the mark of being totally human.

*put someone at ease 편안하게 하다

It puts them at ease if the robot makes a mistake every now and then.

*alien 이질적인, 낯선

*alien to ~에게 이질적인, 낯선

It's completely alien to us.

+) The concept of honor is alien to some cultures.

     명예라는 개념은 어떤 문화권에서는 낯선 것이다.

+) His way of thinking is completely alien to mine.

    그의 사고방식은 나의 사고방식과 완전히 다르다.

I'll give you credit.

It's there with all AI.


NPR 팟캐스트 원문 기사 보러가기

Preserving humanity in the age of robots


Preserving humanity in the age of robots : Short Wave

Human beings are hardwired for social connection – so much so that we think of even the most basic objects as having feelings or experiences. (Yup, we're talking to you, Roomba owners!) Social robots add a layer to this. They're designed to make us feel




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