
NPR Podcast

Life Kit

Networking can be awkward. Here's how to make it work for you


*bad rap (오심으로 인한) 억울한 죄, 부당한 형벌, 부당한 비난

*get a bad rap 부정적인 평가를 받다

Networking often gets a bad rap.

+) That neighborhood gets a bad rap, but it's actually quite safe.

    그 동네는 부당하게 나쁜 평판을 가지고 있지만, 실제로는 매우 안전합니다.

+) Video games often get a bad rap for being violent and addictive.

    비디오 게임은 폭력적이고 중독성이 있다는 부당한 평판을 얻곤 합니다.

*resonated with (어떤 내용이) ~에게 공감되다, 와닿다

If any of the above resonated with your experience trying to network, it's not hard to understand why.

*cringe at ~에 몸서리치다, 움찔하다

*squirm at ~에 몹시 당혹스러워하다

*talk somebody/something up ~을 과장해서 이야기하다, ~을 (실제보다 더) 좋게 말하다

So many of us cringe at the idea of having to build our brands or squirm at the idea of trying to talk ourselves up at cocktail hour.

I'm most likely to want to give to others who give as well.

*pot 특정 자원이나 기회, 잠재력의 집합체

*tap into 자원을 활용하다, 기회를 이용하다, 정보나 네트워크에 접근하다

It's broadening the pot of what we all can tap into.

+)She was able to tap into a network of professionals.

    그녀는 전문적인 네트워크에 접근할 수 있었다.

+) The movie seems to tap into a general sentimentality about animals.

    그 영화는 동물에 대한 보편적인 감상주의를 이용하는 것 같다.

*beget [bɪˈɡet] (어떤 결과를) 부르다, 야기하다, 낳다

Giving begets giving.

*cold call (미지의 가망고객에게 투자[상품구입]를 권유하기 위한 전화접촉 또는 방문, [사전접촉 없는 방문]이란 뜻)

Research shows up to 80% of positions are filled not through applications or cold calls.

*deplete (남아 있는 것이 충분하지 않을 정도로) 대폭 감소시키다[격감시키다]

It's not depleting me in the same way giving away time or money might.

*come through 성공적으로 해내다, 기대에 부응하다, 도움을 주다

Any favorite personal stories of a time that your network came through for you in a big way?

Well, in a lot of ways, a network is an insurance policy.

No one's excited that they get to use their insurance policy, but you're thrilled that you have it when you need it.

All these people were rooting for me.

I didn't stay underground for all those years and then pop up out of nowhere.

You got to find something you can maintain.

*sphere (활동·영향·관심) 영역[-권]

You have different circles or spheres of people that you're trying to connect with.

Is this a 24/7 gig?

*being bought out 매수당하다, 인수되다

But seeing all the people being bought out.

+) A small company was bought out by a larger corporation.

    작은 회사가 큰 기업에 인수되었습니다.

+) The shareholders were bought out and the company was dissolved.

    주주들이 매수되어 회사가 해산되었습니다.

*cross-departmental collaboration 부서 간 협업

She's done a lot of cross-department collaborations.

*ad hoc 임시적인, 특별한 경우에만, 즉석(에서 마련된)

It's like you volunteer for a task force, or like a one-off subcommittee or an ad hoc thing.

*lateral 옆[측면]의, 옆[측면]으로의

*lateral shift 같은 수준의 다른 역할로의 이동

She's made a lot of lateral shifts in this particular job.

*figuratively 비유적으로

There are a lot of people who see her as a person who gives rides to the airport, figuratively.

*get one's name out there 자신의 이름을 알리다, 인지도를 높이다

She's getting her name out there and being of service and providing value.

+) She's trying to get her name out there as a fashion designer.

    그녀는 패션 디자이너로서 자신의 이름을 알리려고 노력하고 있어요.

+) He's been working hard to get his name out there in the music industry.

    그는 음악 산업에서 자신의 이름을 알리기 위해 열심히 노력해왔어요.


NPR 팟캐스트 원문 기사 보러가기

Networking can be awkward. Here's how to make it work for you


Networking can be awkward. Here's how to make it work for you : Life Kit

Networking expert Robbie Samuels explains why adapting the attitude of a croissant is more likely to create meaningful job connections — and shares ways to make networking feel more natural.




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