
NPR Podcast 


Day 2-1 


Young people spurge more as ‘little treat’ trends boom on social media


*splurge 돈을 물 쓰듯 쓰다

Young people spurge more as ‘little treat’ trends boom on social media

Young people spend more to treat themselves than do older people.

Can I please get an iced ube latte?

*pick-me-up 기분이 좋아지게해주는 것

She's getting herself a pick-me-up.

*get through the day 하루를 잘 보내다[잘 견뎌내다]

This treat will help her get through the day of studying.

The younger generations do splurge slightly more.

It's sort of interesting psychology behind these purchases.

*shell out (~에 거금을) 들이다[쏟아 붓다]

Gen Z women shell out $28 on treating themselves, about $10 more than their older counterparts.

Instagram and TikTok are full of people buying themselves indulgences.

you may not be able to afford in the long run.

More like a reward for an accomplishment rather than avoiding sadness. 

somebody who's doing a good job surely can indulge in a Starbucks.


Research shows young people are more likely to splurge on treats than older generations, in part due to social media.


NPR 팟캐스트 원문기사 보러가기

Young people spurge more as ‘little treat’ trends boom on social media


Young people splurge more as 'little treat' trends boom on social media

Research shows young people are more likely to splurge on treats than older generations, in part due to social media.




Day 2-2


Social media is fueling a tween skin care craze. Some dermatologists are wary


*fuel 자극하다, 촉진하다, 연료를 공급하다

Social media is fueling a tween skin care craze. Some dermatologists are wary

Teens and tweens are becoming major consumers of skin care products.

I try and take care of it as much as I can.

I'm going put a patch on it.

*come with ~와 함께 오다, ~을 수반하다, ~이 부가적으로 따라오다

*come with adolescence 청소년기에 함께 따라오는, 청소년기의 특징으로 나타나는

 To keep her skin free of the bumps and pimples that come with adolescence, she relies on a multistep routine.

*eye-catching 눈에 띄는

*translucent 반투명의

It's a watermelon toner which comes in an eye-catching translucent pink bottle.

*steer away from 피하다

She steers the teen away from ingredients that aren't appropriate for her age.

*pitfall (눈에 잘 안 띄는) 위험[곤란]

Not all kids or parents are as aware of potential pitfalls.

*backfire 역효과

Unfortunately, that can backfire.

Their skin barrier can be compromised more easily.

Her advice is to keep it simple.


Dermatologist Elizabeth Houshmand sees a lot of tweens and teens in her Dallas practice. A few months ago, a mother brought her 9-year-old daughter in with a significantly red, itching face. It turns out the daughter had been using a moisturizer that she'd seen promoted on social media.



NPR 팟캐스트 원문기사 보러가기

Social media is fueling a tween skin care craze. Some dermatologists are wary


Social media is fueling a tween skin care craze. Some dermatologists are wary

Tweens are now major consumers of skin care products, fueled by social media. But dermatologists are seeing kids with rashes caused by products not meant for young skin. What should tweens be using?





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