
페어런트후드 시즌 4, 6화


*nauseate [ˈnɔːzieɪt; ˈnɔːsieɪt] 메스껍게 하다

She's gonna be nauseated for a little while.

God help us all.

I'm sorry for all the things that I didn't think about.

Let's talk about it. Let's figure something out.

I want you to have a good senior year. 

*plethora [ˈpleθərə] 과다, 과잉 (=excess)

*not that it's a plethora of in and out 많은 건 아니지만

I've never had a guy say no before. I mean, not that it's a plethora of in and out.

+) Society faces a plethora of problems. 

    사회는 다양한 문제들에 직면하고 있다.

You're really tight with my son.

*look out for (나쁜 일이 생기거나 나쁜 일을 하지 않도록) 조심하다, ~에 주의하다

*look out for her 그녀를 지켜주세요

If you could look out for her and my brother Adam, I'd really appreciate it.

Max's dog Otis feel better and get the cone off his head.

*margins 절단면, 여백

Her margins are clear, so the cancer in your breast is gone.

*go over 설명하다, 검토하다

When you get together with him, he can go over with you more specifically your options and the timing.

*take in 받아들이다, 이해하다

I know this is a lot of information to take in all at once. You call me anytime for any questions.

+) Let's take in the situation.

     상황을 받아들이자.

+) It's hard to take in her death.

     그녀의 죽음을 받아들이기 힘들다.

*clean bill of health 건강함[양호함]을 보여주는 증명서, (의사에 의한) 건강 증명서, 인물[신원] 보증서

*follow-ups 확인할 사항, 후속 조치

We just have a couple follow-ups, that's it.


페어런트후드 시즌 4, 6화 미드대본 영어회화 Day 1


페어런트후드 시즌 4, 6화 미드대본 영어회화 Day 1

추천미드 페어런트후드 영어회화 *count the votes 표수를 세다[집계하다]Because it's gonna take them a long time to count the votes. *give…the[an] edge …에게 우선권[우위]을 주다, 유리하다 I'm last up, which I think




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