
페어런트후드 시즌 4, 6화


*at the crack of dawn 새벽에, 동 틀 무렵에

I'm really glad we got here at the crack of dawn.

What can I get you? 

What are we gonna do about Haddie?

I'm gonna let you know what's going on.

We gotta get this moving.

*O.R.수술실 Operating Room

*orderly (병원의) 잡역부 

I'll take you into the O.R. Mr. Braverman, an orderly will show you to the waiting room.

Let's just get it done.

Do you want me to get you something for after?

I didn't really take a close look at this before.

*tenacious [təˈneɪʃəs] 집요한, 완강한; 결연한, (예상보다 더) 오래 계속되는[지속적인] (=persistent)

Like, you're super tenacious, and you're funny.

What do you mean by tenacious?

+) a tenacious illness 오래 가는[잘 안 낫는] 병

+) She’s a tenacious woman. She never gives up. 

     그녀는 집요한 여자이다. 그녀는 절대 포기하지 않는다.

*follow through (이미 시작한 일을) 끝내다, 마무리 짓다

 You're persistent, and if you believe in something, you follow through. 

+) Men should follow through with their choices. 

     사나이가 한 번 했으면 해야죠.

*false alarm (위험이 발생했다는, 또는 발생할 거라는) 거짓[허위] 경보[신고]

If you could just do something to help me take my mind off it? Tell me what's going on with you.

*recoil (무섭거나 불쾌한 것을 보고) 움찔하다[흠칫 놀라다], 움츠러들다

I didn't recoil in horror or anything.

*stir something up (강한 감정을) 불러일으키다, 유발/유도하다

I mean, it didn't make me do that, but it stirred something up.

Having Asperger's makes some things very difficult for me, like looking people in the eye or saying hello, so I don't do those things very often. 

*come easily to somebody ~에게 쉽다, 자연스럽다, 수월해지다

Some things also come very easily to me because I have Asperger's, like being smart and remembering almost everything.

Another thing about Asperger's is that I always keep my promises.

I think it's my greatest strength.


페어런트후드 시즌 4, 6화 미드대본 영어회화 Day 1


페어런트후드 시즌 4, 6화 미드대본 영어회화 Day 1

추천미드 페어런트후드 영어회화 *count the votes 표수를 세다[집계하다]Because it's gonna take them a long time to count the votes. *give…the[an] edge …에게 우선권[우위]을 주다, 유리하다 I'm last up, which I think




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