


The U.S. election results will reverberate around the world


*reverberate (사람들에게) 반향[파문]을 불러일으키다, 울리다

The U.S. election results will reverberate around the world

*whirlwind 월윈드 회오리바람, 많은 일이 정신없이 이어지는 상황

U.S. election years are a whirlwind.

*overrun 넘치다, 침입하다, 너무 많은것을 생산하다,  횡행하다, 너무 길어지다

Now the United States is being overrun by the Biden migrant crime.

*take on 대결하다

I'm proud of my administration that's taking on Big Pharma.

*full-on 완전한

We witness a full-on assault on reproductive freedom and understand who is to blame. 

*stakes are high 상황이 심각하다, 중대한 상황이다, 리스크가 크다, 위험성이 높다 

The stakes are just as high for American allies and close partners around the world.

+)  If we make a mistake, it could cost us millions of dollars, the stakes are high. 

      우리가 실패하면 수백만 달러를 잃을 수 있습니다. 위험성이 아주 큽니다.

*existential 존재론적인, 실존적인

For people in Ukraine, the question of who will win in the U.S. election in November is an existential one.

*fight off 싸워서 물리치다 격퇴하다

For people in Ukraine, where the country's military is trying to fight off Russia.

*prevail 승리하다

We'll be with Ukraine until they prevail in this war.

*embroil 언쟁, 싸움에 휘말리게하다

Or take Israel, another country embroiled in war, where people are watching closely to see who will be the next occupant of the Oval Office.

*walk somebody through ~에게 이해하도록 도와주다

So we have gathered the NPR correspondents who cover those countries to walk us through how they view the stakes of the U.S. election. 

*come into play 작동하다, 활동하다, 특정상황에서 중요하게 작용하다

I want to talk through with all of you the - how a lot of anxiety centers on U.S. financial support and how that might come into play, depending on who wins this next presidential election. 

+) Personal feelings should not come into play when you make business decisions. 

사업상의 결정을 내릴 때에는 사사로운 감정이 개입되서는 안 된다

How does it look from where you sit?

*freeloader 남에게 얻어먹기만 하는[기식하는] 사람

Japan and South Korea basically as wealthy freeloaders.

They maintain U.S. primacy in Asia.

He did not mean it as a compliment.

*grapple 씨름하다, 투쟁하다

He’s grappling with its own war

*infuriated 강한 분노가 치밀다

Netanyahu infuriated the White House. 

*stand up to somebody ~에게 저항하다[맞서다], (용감히) 맞서다. (=confront, meet with fearlessly) 

He put out this video accusing the U.S. of holding up weapons and ammunition to Israel, just really making it clear that Netanyahu is publicly standing up to Biden.

*inconceivable 상상도 할 수 없는

*withhold (…을) 주지 않다 (=keep back) 

I said it's inconceivable that in the past few months, the administration has been withholding weapons and ammunitions to Israel.

It's just half a year to go.

Israel will get this pressure from the Biden administration off its back.


Polls – and NPR's own reporting – tell a story of many Americans fatigued by the upcoming presidential race. They're not satisfied with the choice between two men who have both already held the office of President.  


But American allies and partners are watching the race intently, including South Korea, Japan, Ukraine and Israel. The fates of those countries are closely tied to whether Donald Trump or Joe Biden ends up sitting in the White House next year.


The NPR correspondents who cover those countries, Anthony Kuhn in South Korea, Joanna Kakissis in Ukraine and Daniel Estrin in Israel, discuss the stakes each of those countries have in the outcome of America's presidential election.


NPR 팟캐스트 원문기사 & 대본 보러가기 

The U.S. election results will reverberate around the world


The U.S. election results will reverberate around the world : Consider This from NPR

Polls – and NPR's own reporting – tell a story of many Americans fatigued by the upcoming presidential race. They're not satisfied with the choice between two men who have both already held the office of President. But American allies and partners are




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