
NPR 팟캐스트 Life Kit 대본 


Dining out with a big group? Learn the social etiquette of splitting the check


Your dining partner should be able to adjust your share of the bill accordingly.

*jump the gun  일을 너무 서둘러 하거나, 적절한 시점보다 미리 시작해서 결정을 내리는 것,

I always jump the gun.

They want to eat it as much as I do. 

what's the way to approach the bill at the end of this meal? .

Otherwise, you're going to probably be stuck with a larger bill.

Is that annoying for the server?

*mind the server 서빙이나 오더하는 동안 주의를 기울여라

*read the room 상황이나 분위기를 파악하다

I don't like owing anybody anything.

*tally (특히 총계·총액을 계속 누적해 나가는) 기록, 총계를 내다, 계산하다, 일치하다, 부합하다, 대조하다

*keep a tally 기록하다, 집계하다

There are ones that help keep tally of a bill over.

It calculates what everybody owes you or what you owe everybody else.

My dad was directing the blame on the server.

They come to blows at the end of it about who's going to pick up the tab.

It’s always a bit of a tense moment when the server comes with the bill. 

*consecutively 연속하여

It's never the same person consecutively.

They establish, before we dine out, who is going to pay the bill, and then they're going to rotate.

*scrutiny 세밀하고 철저한 검토

*nitpick 사소한 문제를 까다롭게 지적하는 것

Maybe there's a closer scrutiny of the bill at the end of the night, but it doesn't make too much sense to nitpick too hard because your friendship will evolve.

Fortunes will evolve - and hopefully evolve for the better 

*it all comes out in the wash 문제가 장기적으로 보면 해결된다는 뜻

I like to say that it all comes out in the wash.

*fiddle around 바이올린을 켜다/ 효과적이지 않은 방식으로 시간을 보내다, 시간을 낭비해서 효과적인 결과를 얻지 못하다

I don't make them fiddle around with 10 credit cards.

*stiff the server (웨이터나 웨이트리스)에게 팁을 주지 않다

Do not stiff the server of their tip.

He's obsessed with racking up credit card points.



Splitting the bill is a fine art. Whether you're eating family-style at a Korean barbecue joint or having a three-course meal at a fancy restaurant, there should be "a sense of equality in how the check is divvied up" when the meal ends, says Kiki Aranita, a food editor at New York Magazine and the former co-chef and owner of Poi Dog, a Hawaiian restaurant in Philadelphia.


NPR 팟캐스트 원문기사 & 대본 보러가기 

Dining out with a big group? Learn the social etiquette of splitting the check


Dining out with a big group? Learn the social etiquette of splitting the check

Five common scenarios you may encounter while dining out with a large party — and how to handle the bill fairly while being considerate of your server.









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