
NPR Podcast


One of the hottest jobs in AI right now: 'types-question guy'


*tick up <주가 등이> 상승하다

The unemployment rate ticked up from 4% to 4.1%. 

Nick says demand for prompt engineers has increased about tenfold in the past year.

I'm willing to bet many of you have never even heard of - prompt engineer, specifically AI prompt engineer.

*in the context of ~한 맥락에서 

And this is something we actually see in the context of all generative AI job postings.

*throws a curveball 인생이 힘들게 한다. (어려운 일이 생긴다. 예기치 못한 일이 생긴다.) 

= Life gives you lemon Sometimes, Life throws a curveball at you.

Sometimes, life throws you a curveball.

*revenue (정부·기관의) 수익[수입/세입] 

During the pandemic, when all the public events went away, so did our revenues.

It was one of those moments in life where you kind of have to rethink everything. 

*pivot into 방향을 돌리다, 전환하다

And as somebody with a writing background, for me, it was pivoting into tech as a technical writer.

*step something up ~을 증가시키다[강화하다], 더 분발하다

Stephen says Google saw this happening and was like, we have to step things up.

*requisition (특히 전시나 비상시 건물·차량 등을) 징발하다, (격식을 갖춘·공식적인) 요청[신청/요구] 

They requisitioned all of their technical writers.

*foothold (사업·직업 등에서 성공의) 발판[기반], 발 디딜 곳 

Prompt engineering became his foothold in the industry. 

The AI actually gives you a useful answer without bugging out. 

*be a (good) sport (특히 곤경에 처했을 때) 너그러운[쾌활한] 사람 

Stephen is a pretty good sport about this.

Stephen thinks the AI learned it from a video of the famously foul-mouthed celebrity chef Gordon Ramsey.

*obsequious [əbˈsiːkwiəs] 아부하는 (=servile) 

It's sounding a little obsequious to you.

*foray (다른 활동·직종에 들어가려는) 시도, 습격, 급습, 침략, 침략하다, 약탈하다, 약탈, 본업 이외의 분야에 진출 

*foray into …에의 (일시적) 진출, 새로운 분야나 활동에 대한 짧은 시도

Now, after Stephen's early foray into prompt engineering with Google, he moved on to other companies.

*obsolete  더 이상 쓸모가 없는, 한물간, 구식의 (=out of date) 

He can already see a future where AI becomes so advanced that prompt engineers become obsolete.

*reckon 추정하다 판단하다

He reckons that AI will eventually be able to prompt and tweak itself.

*be around 존재하다, 활동하고 있다 

I don't think that prompt engineering is going to be around in 10 years.


U.S. job growth cooled this month. But one job is hot to the touch: AI prompt engineer. The role can command a six figure salary, but ... what is it? Today, we speak to an AI prompt engineer to figure out what they actually do and how long the job could remain hot.


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One of the hottest jobs in AI right now: 'types-question guy'


One of the hottest jobs in AI right now: 'types-question guy' : The Indicator from Planet Money

U.S. job growth cooled this month. But one job is hot to the touch: AI prompt engineer. The role can command a six figure salary, but ... what is it? Today, we speak to an AI prompt engineer to figure out what they actually do and how long the job could re




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