
Parenthood Season3 Ep.17

Day 1

You just put this all together?

*swearing 욕, 욕설

There's not even any swearing.

*put up/ set up/ pitch a tent 텐트를 치다

So are you gonna be putting this tent up by yourself?

*spoon 등 뒤에서 껴안다

Sarah and Mark are still in bed spooning. 

*sabbatical (year) [suh·BA·tuh·kl] 안식년

I get a sabbatical.

*resurrect [ˌrezəˈrekt] 되살리다, 부활하다

You guys came along and resurrected it. 

*upmarket (=upscale) 상류층[부자들]을 대상으로 한, 고급[고가]의

*be blown away 놀라다,  감동하다

*take off 도약하다 발전하다 

We're all blown away by how that place is taking off.

Thank you very much, kind words.

*catch the eye of someone 눈길을 끌다[모으다], ~의 눈을 사로잡다

*to the extent that ~할 정도까지

You guys have caught the eye of the players in this business, to the extent that we'd like to make you an offer to buy the Luncheonette.

That's really flattering

I'm very unprepared for that

We figured you'd feel that way.

I wanted to meet you anyway just to see the two guys who pulled this off.

*assume (책임을) 맡다(=take), 인수하다

We would cover all your start-up costs and assume your lease.

This is your take-away.

I'm gonna come get you.

Can you come soon, please?

I'll call you as soon as we get there.



페어런트후드 시즌 3, 17화 대본 

Parenthood S3E17.pdf



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