미드 영어회화 페어런트후드 시즌 3, 16화
Day 5
We're two adults here who had a nice, long, hard day at work, and now we're having a drink.
*get out 알려지다
It would be really cool if this doesn't get out…
+ ) If this gets out there’ll be trouble.
만약 이것이 알려지면 곤란해질 것이다.
Just before this whole thing spirals...
I'm trying to remain calm right now.
Did you guys didn't get along?
Can I just at least go outside or something?
He's trying to be close to me.
Have you even told dad about this?
I've decided to let you be a baby about this and keep all this to yourself.
*bug 괴롭히다, 성가시게 하다
I'm not going to bug you anymore about what's going on.
*scare the hell out of someone ~를 몹시 놀라게 하다
I gotta tell you, it just scared the hell out of me.
I don't like the idea of you getting older.
*hereditary[ hə|redɪteri ] 유전적인
Did the doctor say that this was like a hereditary condition? Because you and I share a very similar frame.
I was thinking about shooting some hoops at the park, what do you say?
*accommodate (…을 위한) 충분한 공간을 제공하다, 수용하다
Is that wide enough to accommodate a wheelchair?
*go over ~을 점검[검토]하다
We have just a couple of things to go over with you guys.
+) Go over your work before you hand it in.
과제물을 제출하기 전에 점검을 해라.
We're so sorry. We know it's a lot to ask.
Again, I got to say how grateful we are that Micah's got a friend.
I bet you he's taking it hard, huh?
미드영어 추천미드 페어런트후드 대본 영어회화 공부 Day 1
미드영어 추천미드 페어런트후드 대본 영어회화 공부 Day 1
미드영어 추천미드 페어런트후드 대본 영어회화 공부 Parenthood Season 3. Ep. 16 Day1 Sorry it took so long, I had to get cream from downstairs. I need you to clear all my commitments this weekend. I need you to clear your schedule as we