
NPR 팟캐스트 영어회화 

Violent Crime Is Dropping, But Americans Feel Less Safe.

*fast forward 시간의 흐름을 빨리 앞당기다, (테이프 등을) 앞으로 빨리감다
+) This is boring, so fast forward.
    이 부분은 재미없으니까 빨리 감기 하자.
*tipping point 한계점, 결정적 전환점, 티핑 포인트(갑자기 뒤집히는 포인트 / 한순간을 기점으로 뭔가 크게 변할 때 / 작은 변화들이 어느 정도 기간을 두고 쌓여, 이제 작은 변화가 하나만 더 일어나도 갑자기 큰 영향을 초래할 수 있는 상태가 된 단계)
: the time at which a change or an effect cannot be stopped
+) We are coming to a tipping point. I know you know that.
     큰 전환기를 맞고 있어. 당신도 알고 있잖아.
+) I think the manager has reached his tipping point. 
    매니저가 화가 극에 달한 것 같아.
Violent crime is down by a lot, and many Americans simply don't believe that fact. 

*perceive [pər|siːv]  ~을 (~로) 여기다 (=see), 감지[인지]하다
So I wanted to understand two things - why has crime dropped and why don't people perceive it that way?
*caveat [ˈkæviæt] (특정 절차를 따르라는) 통고[경고]
It's a really hard question to answer, and I always caveat my answer with criminologists still aren't sure why violent crime went down in the '90s.
*compelling 설득력 있는, 강력한, 강렬한, (너무나 흥미로워서) 주목하지 않을 수 없는[눈을 뗄 수 없는]
+) compelling clue 강력한/설득력있는 단서
+) compelling evidence 설득력 있는 증거, 반박할 수 없는 증거, 확실한 증거
+) a compelling story 흥미진진한 이야기
The national explanations, the big explanations are going to be a lot more compelling than, our department did patrols on every other Thursday, and that's why we think it declined.
*thin blue line (군중을 제지하는) 경관들의 줄, 법의 방어벽, 경찰 라인 
+) There was a thin blue line to protect people.
   사람들을 보호하기 위한 법의 방어벽이 존재했다.
*incrementally 점진적으로, 점차
We've seen two years now of crime incrementally going down
*ground-level view = local level view 현지 수준의 시각
*ground 현실에 기반을 두다
We brought them together to get the ground-level view.

*conflate 혼동하다, 융합[합체]하다
People conflate that with crime, with street safety.
If crime is down, why are people reluctant to believe it?
*resonate [ˈrezəneɪt]  (…을) 상기시키다[떠올리게 하다], (…의) 공명을 받다[반향을 불러일으키다],  (깊게·낭랑하게) 울려 퍼지다
*resonate with someone 어떠한 감정이 ...에게 어떻게 상기되다
+) That is gonna resonate with everybody. 
     이건 모든 사람에게 와닿을 거에요.
+) The lyrics really resonate with me.
    가사를 보면 정말 마음의 이게... 뭔가 딱 옵니다.
Does that resonate with you?

*associate A as B - A를 B로 결부[연관]짓다
*ground zero 시작점, 진원지
*abolish (법률·제도·조직을) 폐지하다
I think over these past few years, a lot of people associate Minneapolis as ground zero for the abolish the police movement. 
*average something out ~의 평균을 (~로) 내다[계산하다]
*far and away 훨씬, 단연코
+) That was by far and away the best film I have seen this year. 
    그 영화는 올해 본 영화 중 단연 으뜸이었다
+) She’s far and away the best player. 
    그녀는 단연코 최고의 선수이다.
We actually did a story where we calculated that there was a car theft every hour in Minneapolis in 2023 if you averaged it out. And that's far and away more than anything we've ever seen before.

For people in the US, 2020 was one of the most dangerous years in decades. The first year of the pandemic saw a huge spike in violence. The number of homicides in the country rose about 30 percent from 2019.

Fast forward a couple of years - and things look very different. According to crime analyst Jeff Asher, "2023 featured one of the lowest rates of violent crime in the US in more than 50 years."

In big cities and small, from the East coast to the West, violence has dropped dramatically. 



<NPR 팟캐스트 원문 기사 보러가기> 
We explore the reasons why the good news on crime isn't getting through


Violent Crime Is Dropping, But Americans Feel Less Safe. : Consider This from NPR

For people in the US, 2020 was one of the most dangerous years in decades. The first year of the pandemic saw a huge spike in violence. The number of homicides in the country rose about 30 percent from 2019.Fast forward a couple of years – and things loo




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