Parenthood S03E14 Day 3 영어단어정리
Your mother and I, we couldn't be prouder.
*go into business 사업에 뛰어들다, 장사를 시작하다
*wipe out ~을 완전히 파괴하다[없애 버리다], 씻어 내다, 쓸어 내다, 녹초가 된, 기진 맥진한, 체력이 바닥난
+) Last year’s profits were virtually wiped out.
작년의 수익이 사실상 다 없어져 버렸다.
It hit our savings pretty hard, and then going into business with Uncle Crosby pretty much wiped out our savings.
We just want you to keep your options open.
When you got out of school, you wouldn't have a huge mountain of debt.
it's nice that I got in in the first place, so I don't have to go.
We're sorry it has to be like this.
Wow, it's all getting so real, huh?
*colossal [kəˈlɑːsl] 거대한, 엄청난
*residual [rɪ|zɪdʒuəl] 잔여금, 잔금, (어떤 과정이 끝나고 난 뒤에) 남은, 잔여[잔류]의 (=outstanding)
*be a steal (값이 너무 싸서) 거저나 마찬가지이다
It was a steal, really. 완전 거저였어. 대박 좋은 가격이었어.
There is a little bit of a wrinkle, though. 근데 조금 문제가 있는데.
*fulfill <필요·요건·부족분 등을> 채우다, 만족시키다, <의무·약속·직무 등을> 다하다, 이행하다, 수행하다; 끝내다
If he has to see Dr. Pelikan and fulfill all his needs and I can't go to school...
You have to just let it be what it is.
*let it be 순리에 맡기거라
You have to just let it be what it is. 그냥 있는 그대로 놔두세요.
*pillar (다리·건물 지붕 등을 받치는, 특히 장식 겸용의 둥근 기둥, 기념비[물] (=column)
*sit-in 연좌 시위, 연좌 농성
We met at this ridiculous sit-in.
*peck 입맞춤[키스], 가볍게 입을 맞추다[키스하다], 가벼운[재빨리 하는], 쪼다, 쪼아 먹다
*frisbee [ˈfrɪzbi] 프리스비(던지기를 하고 놀 때 쓰는 플라스틱 원반)
*live out something (예전에 생각만 하던 것을) 실행하다, 끝까지[죽을 때까지] …하게 살다
I think he's living out some fantasy about finally having a son, so... thank you.