*crease [kriːs] 접은 자국, 주름[구김살] That little crease will not go away. *exfoliate [eks|foʊlieɪt] 광내다 I'm the behind-the-scenes guy. I'm feeling invisible. I guess I'm invisible today. Can I sneak in for one copy? I just got to get this done, okay? Let's get that shot. You must share it on some level. *undertake [ˌəndərˈtāk] 맡다, 싸우다, 일으키다 *endeavor [ənˈdevər] 노력, 시도, 애씀 (→effort), 노력하다(strive), 시도하다(try) How do you undertake such a huge endeavor at this risky time? *wind up 결국 ~ 하게 되다 I am still shocked that I wound up here. I see those unemployment statistics in the newspaper, and you don't think it's going to be you, and suddenly, there I was. Unemployed, two kids, another one on the way. *step down 물러나다, 하야하다, 사퇴하다, 사임하다, 감압, 감소 I lined up this other job that was a step down. *knob-headed: a stupid or contemptible man. *contemptible [kənˈtemptəbl] 경멸을 받을 만한, 비루한, 가증스러운 knob-headed younger brother came running at me with this idea. *gynaecologist [|ɡaɪnə│kɑːlədʒɪst] 부인과 전문의 Gynaecologist office, Sarah is being examined. *hypothetically [ˌhaɪpəˈθetɪkli] 이론상으로, 가설로 *odds (어떤 일이 있을) 공산[가능성], 역경, 곤란, 배당률 I was wondering about, hypothetically, just the odds or the possibility of me having another baby. It's a hypothetical at this point.
He kind of brought it up and then he dropped it. *cringe[krɪndʒ] (겁이 나서) 움츠리다[움찔하다] (=cower), 민망하다 She cringes at the thought. I thought 40 was the new 30. I think that about covers it. *veto [|viːtoʊ] 거부권, 금지 That's a veto. You don't get to veto. You get to vote. Until I know more of the facts about this guy, I can't put in my vote, so. You haven't got any lip-gloss on have you? *eccentric [ɪkˈsentrɪk] 괴짜인, 별난, 기이한 He's uniquely eccentric. We don't want to put ourselves in that position. Well, we got to play the odds.