
추천미드 영어회화스터디 페어런트후드 


 Day 2

I'm actually off to work, so see you later.
I'm doing this for me, just so we're clear.
Are you gonna stay for dinner?
*pop by = stop by
I just popped by to see you.
*shun 피하다 
*shunned 따돌림당하는 무시당하는
She feels shunned, slighted.
She didn't seem like she was interested in going at all.
*follow through  (이미 시작한 일을) 다 끝내다, 마무리짓다

-to complete or carry out a plan, promise, or commitment
She makes a commitment, she follows through.

We've gotta follow it through.(Day 1)
+) I'm trying to follow through with my New Year's resolutions.
I think her feelings are hurt, to tell you the truth, is what happened.
I don't want your feelings to be hurt.
*shake on it  …에 동의하여 악수하다
That's all I'm askin'. Shake on it.
I have not been keeping you under wraps. I have been saving you from having to deal with it.
Come pull up a chair and join us.
Gotta go upstairs and get settled in anyway.
Sorry, I meant to tell you this.
He is staying at my place just for a little while.
This is about him and you feeling he's encroaching.
*rise above 초월하다 초연하다
You gotta just rise above, and not just for his sake, but for your own.
We were cooped up in the house, I was just like, "I gotta get out."
She said that everything was covered.
I don't want to keep you, I just got a lot of stuff to do.


 페어런트후드 시즌 3 대본 S03E08 Day1


페어런트후드 시즌 3 대본 S03E08 Day1

미드영어 페어런트후드 시즌 3 대본공부 Day 1 What relevant experience do you have that qualifies you for this job? Where do you see yourself in two years? I'd really like to manage, so I'm hoping that I'll be on track to do that. *as cheesy





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