CLIMATE California's lawsuit says oil giants downplayed climate change. Here's what to know
*allegedly 주장하는 바에 의하면 +) He was allegedly caught pickpocketing. 전하는 바에 의하면 그는 소매치기하다 잡혔다고 한다. What is California accusing these companies of? What makes this one stand out? *put out disinformation 허위 정보를 퍼뜨리다 They put out disinformation. *bring to bear 노력을 쏟다. 압력을 가하다, 이용하다 They're going to have a lot of resources they can bring to bear in this case. *add muscle to 힘을 보태다 They're going to add muscle to cases brought by other states *usher in 열다, 맞아들이다, ~이 시작되게 하다 California's lawsuit usher in more suits from other parts of the county. +) We should usher in a society that makes all the people equal. 모든 사람들이 평등할 수 있는 사회를 만들어가야 한다 *spokesperson 대변인 It's a group that works to hold fossil fuel companies accountable for their impacts on climate change. *polluter 오염 유발자, 공해 유발 기업[국가]
*concerted action 일치된/결연한 행동, 통합된 노력, 담합행위 What we need is government policy and sort of concerted action from across the economy. *it's worth noting that~주목할 필요가 있다 It's worth noting that the Supreme Court this year allowed some other similar cases to move forward in state court. *meritless 장점[좋은 점]이 없는, 쓸모 없는; 공적[공훈, 훈공, 공로]이 없는 *politicize 정치적 논쟁거리로 삼다, 정치 이슈화하다 They called the case meritless and politicized. And he says what these cases are about is holding companies accountable for alleged wrongdoing. *driver of 요인, ~의 원동력 Greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels are the main driver of global warming. We're nowhere close to that.
The suit, filed on Friday in San Francisco Superior Court, claims that the companies misled the public for decades about climate change and the dangers of fossil fuels. It demands the companies help fund recovery efforts related to California's extreme weather events, from rising sea levels to drought and wildfires, that have been supercharged by human-caused climate change.
"Oil and gas companies have privately known the truth for decades — that the burning of fossil fuels leads to climate change — but have fed us lies and mistruths to further their record-breaking profits at the expense of our environment. Enough is enough," Rob Bonta, California's attorney general, said Saturday in a statement.