ANIMALS They fly animals on the brink of euthanasia to new homes and second chances
팟캐스트 영어단어 주요구문 정리
*on the brink of …의 직전에(=on the verge of) They fly animals on the brink of euthanasia to new homes and second chances.
*euthanasia [yoo·thuh·NAY·zhuh] 안락사 +) For many years, euthanasia has been a much debated topic. 오랫동안 안락사는 많은 논란의 대상이 되고 있다. *come about 생기다, 일어나다 How did this idea come about?
*cockpit 조종실 She climbed right up on the wing, made a beeline for the cockpit. *tackle 해결하다, 다루다, 대처하다 I was working on an engineering firm at the time, tackling some very different challenges to animal rescue, when I met Dean Heistad and his wife Katie. *make a beeline for 곧장 ~로 가다, 직행하다 It turns out that she must have known she was onto the sweet life because she climbed right up on the wing, made a beeline for the cockpit. *boundless 한[끝]이 없는 (=infinite) They named her after another boundless aviator, of course, Amelia Earhart. *leverage 영향력을 끼치다 *in need 어려움에 처한, 도움이 필요한 They wanted to leverage the aviation community to help more pets in need. *behind the scenes 은밀한, 이면의, 막후의, 무대뒤에서 *to get off the ground 시작하다 I was kind of behind the scenes helping to build the nonprofit structure and website and getting us off the ground. I don't want to get unpleasant about it We make every effort to help whenever we can. *logistical 병참의, 수송의, 물류의 It's a very intense logistical operation *to be at capacity 풀가동 중이다, 꽉 찼다, 한도에 다다랐다, 한계가 있다 +) I’m at capacity. +) I'm at capacity with new social media personally. They will let us know that they are at capacity and can we help. we are looking through our roster of volunteer pilots, *hitch (잠깐 지체하게 하는) 문제[장애] *go off with a hitch 아무 문제없이 순조롭게 진행되다 It's a big undertaking to plan the mission and ensure that everything goes off without a hitch. *connect the dots 이해하다, 정황을 파악하다 It's basically a big mission to play Tetris and connect the dots to find a place for these pets to go. *wind down 서서히 끝나다, 차분해지다 +) Summer is winding down. 더위가 한풀 꺾이고 있다. The pandemic has kind of wound down. *to get a pet fixed = to spay or neuter a pet 중성화 수술하다 It's due to pet overpopulation and people not getting their dogs fixed, not getting their cats fixed. *perish (특히 끔찍하게) 죽다, 비명횡사하다 animals who would otherwise likely perish There's just no better feeling in the world.
NPR's Scott Simon talks with Petra Janney, of Amelia Air, a non-profit that helps fly animals from overcrowded shelters to areas of the country where they have a better chance of getting adopted.