
8월 매직북클럽 원서리딩 챌린지는 'When You Trap a Tiger 호랑이를 덫에 가두면'입니다. 원서 읽으실 때 블로그에 정리된 영어단어와 구문 정리가 도움이 되면 좋겠습니다. 한 권 한 권 원서를 읽는 기쁨이 더해보시기 바랍니다. 


Day 5: When You Trap a Tiger (48-59p/ 챕터 8, 9)


When You Trap a Tiger 영어단어와 주요구문

Chapter  8

On her nightstand, as usual: framed photos of me, Mom, Sam.(8-48p)

Also on her nightstand, new: a row of tiny orange pill bottles. A whole family of them.(8-48p)

-예전에는 본 적 없었던 약병이 많이 있음, 약병 대가족

*suck in the air 숨을 들이마시다

I suck in the air, trying to understand, but it's a little hard.(8-48p)

Not a whole lot of that makes sense.(8-48p) 말이 되는 부분이 많지 않다. 

*building suspense 긴장감 조성

* life line (손금의) 생명선 

But she's just waiting, building suspense, and she takes my hand, traces my life line with her fingertip.(8-48p)

Those stories come from a time before. Long, long ago.(8-49p)

*shush [ʃʊʃ] (특히 손가락을 입에 대고) 쉿[조용히] 하라고 말하다, 쉬, 쉿 (조용히 해)

*inky black

I see my neighbors get scare. My friends get angry. And I think: Why do we have to hear bad stories? Isn't better if bad stories just go' way?(8-50p)

*get to work 일하다

*stuffing them into jars

And I get to work, grabbing the stars - the bad stories - in my fists, stuffing them into jars.(8-50p)

*crumble [ˈkrʌmbl] 바스러지다, 바스러뜨리다, (건물이나 땅이) 허물어지다[무너지다]

*shatter [ˈʃætə(r)]  산산이 부서지다, 산산조각 나다

I seal jars up.(8-51p)

But I believe in me. When you believe, that is you being brave. Sometime, believing is the bravest thing of all.(8-51p)

Halmoni never talked much about how she came to the United States from Korea, and I never thought to ask.(8-51p)


Chapter  9

Questions thunder through my mind.(9-53p)

The clouds block the sun outside.(9-53p)

I realize it's been a long time since I've seen Mom so still. She's always moving. Right now, I feel like I've captured a precious moment. I want to take it and hold it close to my heart.(9-54p)

*flinch 움찔[주춤]하다 

She fliches.(9-54p)

*slosh [slɑːʃ]  (용기 밖으로) 철벅 튀어 나오다

*spill over (~으로) 넘치다, (한 지역에서 다른 지역으로) 번지다

Hot coffee sloshes in her mug, threatening to spill over.(9-54p)

Your're so quiet, always sneaking up on me. I meant to sneak up on her.(9-54p)

How did you sleep?(9-54p)

*plunk (듣기 싫게) 뚱땅[쿵쾅]거리다

She plunks her mug on the coffee table as she stands.(9-54p)

*clatter [ˈklætə(r)] 달가닥[털커덕/쨍그랑]하는 소리를 내다

She clatters around the kitchen.(9-55p)

They're good heated up. Did I ever tell you that Halmoni used to sell her rice cakes when we first moved here?(9-55p)

What about tea? Would you like some tea? I can get you some.(9-55p)

But I was never a big reader like you. I liked to get outside and play, so I didn't really hace the patience for stories.(9-55p)

She never talked about her time in Korea much, I know she grew up poor, in a rural village miles away from Seoul.(9-56p)

*plaster 붙이다, 바르다 

Mom takes a breath and plasters a smile on her face.

*abruptly 갑자기(suddenly), 불쑥, 뜻밖에; 퉁명스럽게, 무뚝뚝하게

Mom does this when she wants to change the subject - just abruptly switches topics and acts like we were talking about it the whole time.(9-56p)

Some people, friends just stick to them. She always has a cloud of people around her.She has infinite texts to respond to. But I've never been a sticky person.(9-56,57p)

*flare up  확 타오르다, 벌컥 화를 내다, 갑자기 재발하다[심해지다]

A flash of annoyance flares up in me, but I shove it down.(9-58p)

*ruffle one's hair 머리카락을 헝클어뜨리다

It burns my tongue and tastes like earth, but it sends fir down my throat and wakes me up.9-58p)
*reckless [ˈrekləs]  무모한, 신중하지 못한; 난폭한 (=rash)

It feels reckless and wasteful, but in a good way.(9-58p)

As quickly as it came, my anger leaks away. I don't know what got into me. I take the mug and bury it in the trash, all the way at the bottom of the bin, where nobody will find it.(9-59p)



게시물 숙제와 영어공부

When You Trap a Tiger을 읽고, 기억하고 싶은 문장 최소 3문장, 단어·구문 5개를 골라 댓글로 올려주세요.


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