
NPR Podcast Life KIt

To save money on groceries, try these tips before going to the store


팟캐스트 영어공부 단어장

*overlook 못 보고 넘어가다, 간과하다 (=miss)
I think it's a really great resource that is often overlooked
It's like a bridge to help people through these tough times. 
Everybody goes through hard times and that's what these services are there for.

구슬쌤영어 go through, go out 원어민처럼 예쁘게 쓰는 법 go동사


구슬쌤영어 go through, go out 원어민처럼 예쁘게 쓰는 법 go동사 2탄

원어민이 아니라면 쉽게 쓰기 힘든 go through, go around를 예쁘게 쓰는 법을 구슬쌤께 배워봅니다. 알려드리려해요. 지난 번에 정리한 이 go동사 1탄에 이어 go through, go out, 이외에도 go out, go over one's


*on the flip side 반면에, 다른 한편으로는
*come up 대화 중 특정 주제가 쑥 올라오다: 언급되다, 논의되다
*the emotions that come up around that 그 주변에서 발생하는 감정들
How could they manage some of the emotions that come up around that?
So start by planning one recipe for one week and just see how that goes. 
*keep track of somebody/something  ~에 대해 계속 알고[파악하고] 있다
And then the other really important piece is to keep track of that spending.

*a total success 대성공
*go-to 자주 사용하는, 기본으로 선택하는, 믿을 만한, 조언을 구할만한
*go-to recipes 자주 만드는 레시피 
+) go-to person 도움을 얻기 위해 찾는 사람 
*cut back on ~을 줄이다,  감축하다

+) I really need to cut back on caffeine.
    카페인을 정말 줄여야 해.
+) I’ve been cutting back on sweets.
    나 요즘 단 것 줄이고 있어.

+) I think we need to cut back on our spending.
    우리 소비를 좀 줄여야 할 것 같아.
You'll notice that some ingredients are more expensive, and you can cut back on the amounts of those you use.
*when it comes to …에 관해서는
Go slowly when it comes to meal prep. 식사 준비에 관해서는 천천히 하세요
Start out by prepping one meal a week ahead of time. 
Sometimes they're a way to fill in the gaps.

How to reduce food waste
Also, look for ingredients that can be used in multiple recipes. Moncel says she loves cooking with cabbage because "it's versatile, it can go with so many different flavors, there's a lot of different ways you can prepare it – and it's so filling."

Look for deals before you shop
Moncel says you can download the free application Flipp, which aggregates sale flyers from the stores in your area. "That can also help inform your decision of where to shop that week," Moncel says.

You can also compare the prices of different brands before you go shopping, Moncel suggests. "Just type each ingredient into the search bar on your grocery store's website," she says. "It will show you what they have available at that store. And you can price compare on your computer before you're in that overstimulating environment."


<NPR Podcast Life KIt 원문기사 보러가기>

To save money on groceries, try these tips before going to the store


To save money on groceries, try these tips before going to the store : Life Kit

Groceries aren't cheap, but there are ways beyond just looking for sales to make budget meals. To help cut down your grocery bill, we have practical tips for saving money on the food you cook at home.




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