
NPR Podcast Life KIt

To save money on groceries, try these tips before going to the store


팟캐스트 영어단어정리 

OK - noted. 알겠어요.

*ethnic [ˈeθnɪk] 민족의,(현대 서구 문화와 다른) 민족 전통적인

*aggregate [ ˈæɡrɪɡət ] 종합하다, 집계하다, 모두 합치다, 합계 총액

what it does is it aggregates the sales flyers from all of the stores in your area

*circular (다수에게 나눠주는) 광고 전단

*use up 다 써버리다

Those items I want to use up first.

*every now and then 때로는; 때때로, 가끔

*drastically 대폭, 격렬하게, 맹렬하게, 강렬하게, 극적으로

Sometimes just different packaging on the same grocery store shelf will have drastically different prices. I see it all the time.

*take into consideration ~을 고려[참작]하다

But then you also have to take into consideration,  A, do you have storage room for the item that you want to buy in bulk? And then, B, are you really going to use it in a reasonable amount of time before it goes bad?

I personally don't really ever buy in bulk unless it's meat or something that I could freeze for later.

*least favorite 가장 싫어하는

+) Least Favorite Friend:(Abbr.) LFF 가장 싫어하는 친구

+) Oh no, my least favorite customer just walked in.  

    이런, 내가 제일 싫어하는 손님이 막 들어섰어.

+) What is your least favorite thing about summer?  

    여름에 가장 싫어하는 것이 무엇인가요?

+) "What's your favorite and least favorite food?"

    좋아하는 음식과 못 먹는 음식은?

So grocery shopping is probably one of my least favorite activities, so I make it as efficient as possible.

*get on with 계속하다, 진척시키다, 진행되다 

-to start or continue doing something, especially work: 

+) Stop talking and get on with it.

+) I like to be left to get on with the job.

+) I suppose I could get on with the ironing while I'm waiting.

*get on with my day 나의 하루 일과를 시작하다

So I can get in, get what I need and get out and get on with my day.

*hangry 배고파서 화나는((hungry(배고픈)와 angry(화난)의 합성어))

That's my fave way 그것이 내가 좋아하는 방법입니다.

*fave 좋아하는 사람이나 물건

*Impulse buys 충동구매

*the least 가장 적은, 가장 적게

*the least busy day and time  가장 붐비지 않은 날과 시간

*as far as 어떤 면에서는, ~에 관해서는

And then I would suggest using a service that is really good with communication as far as, like, doing replacement items or alternate options because if a grocery store is out of one thing that you need and the shopper doesn't ask if there's something you want instead, that can throw off your entire plan for the week.

Substitute to save money
After using the costing technique, you'll find that some ingredients are more expensive than others, and you can cut back on those or find substitutes.

Animal products like meats and cheeses will often cost more than vegetables or grains, says Moncel. Nuts will often be pricier, too.

Next time you're missing an ingredient, try substitution instead of shopping
Cutting back doesn't mean going without though. For instance, if a chili recipe calls for a pound of ground beef, she says you could reduce the beef by half and then bulk up the recipe with less expensive ingredients like beans, lentils, or rice. That way, you'll still get the flavor of the beef without the cost.

Use ingredients creatively
Try to use all the groceries you buy. For leftovers, rely on the freezer, says Moncel. "A lot more foods are freezable than people realize. I often freeze leftover cheese. Leftover bread products freeze really well."

If you can't freeze what you have left over, look up additional recipes with those ingredients as keywords. For example, search for "recipes with celery" online if you have leftover celery.

How to reduce food waste
Also, look for ingredients that can be used in multiple recipes. Moncel says she loves cooking with cabbage because "it's versatile, it can go with so many different flavors, there's a lot of different ways you can prepare it – and it's so filling."

Look for deals before you shop
Moncel says you can download the free application Flipp, which aggregates sale flyers from the stores in your area. "That can also help inform your decision of where to shop that week," Moncel says.

You can also compare the prices of different brands before you go shopping, Moncel suggests. "Just type each ingredient into the search bar on your grocery store's website," she says. "It will show you what they have available at that store. And you can price compare on your computer before you're in that overstimulating environment."

<NPR Podcast Life KIt 원문기사 보러가기>

To save money on groceries, try these tips before going to the store


To save money on groceries, try these tips before going to the store : Life Kit

Groceries aren't cheap, but there are ways beyond just looking for sales to make budget meals. To help cut down your grocery bill, we have practical tips for saving money on the food you cook at home.




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