To save money on groceries, try these tips before going to the store
팟캐스트 영어단어장
*eye-opening 놀랄만한 I suggest everyone try costing at least once because it's so eye-opening. It really does make you rethink the way you look at all of the ingredients that you're buying. *walk somebody through something (어떤 것을 배우거나 익힐 수 있도록 단계별로 차례차례) ~에게 ~을 보여 주다 Walk me through how you think about cost as you're coming up with a recipe.
*versatile [ˈvɜːrsətl] 다용도의, 다목적의 *go with 어울리다, 고르다, 선택하다 Cabbage is so versatile because it can go with so many different flavors, and there's a lot of different ways you can prepare it it's so filling. 포만감이 넘쳐요. But most of these ingredients are super-potent as far as the flavor. *potent (사람의 심신에 미치는 영향이) 강한[강력한] So if you just add a little bit, it really goes a long way. *go a long way 오래가다[오래 지속되다] I rely on my freezer heavily for saving leftover ingredients. *handy for …에 편리한 And on our website, we have an ingredient index which is really handy for that. *best bet 가장 안전하고 확실한 방책[수단]
*stay on top of ~을 항상 잘 알고 있다, 잘 대처하다, 잘 처리하다, ~에 관한 최신 정보를 알고 있다
+) How are you able to stay on top of things? 넌 어쩜 그렇게 일을 잘 해 낼 수 있는 거니? +) These days, however, teachers must stay on top of the latest technology. 하지만 요즈음 교사들은 최신식 기술을 알아야 한다. *on hand 준비된, 이용/제공가능한, 준비되어 지원가능한
I think your best bet is to just stay on top of what you have on hand . *magnetized to 자석으로 고정시키다, 자석에 붙이다
So one way to stay on top of that is you can actually keep a list magnetized to the front of your freezer.
It's easy to rack up a hefty bill when buying groceries, but there are ways to make budget-friendly meals that won't leave you longing for takeout.
Life Kit host Marielle Segarra spoke with Beth Moncel, the founder of Budget Bytes, a website with "recipes designed for small budgets" for tips on how to make the most out of your groceries.
Figure out the cost of your meals To understand how much you spend per meal, try a common technique used by commercial food service operations: cost out a recipe. (Budget Bytes has an in-depth explainer on this).
First, calculate the cost of each ingredient in your recipe. If the recipe calls for one carrot, and you paid $1.50 for a 10-carrot bag, you would do this calculation: $1.50/10 = 15 cents per carrot.
Next, add up the cost of all the ingredients in the recipe. So maybe that's 15 cents for the carrot, 37 cents for the onion, $1 for the can of crushed tomatoes, and so on. Once you have the total cost of the recipe, divide it by the number of servings. For instance, the ingredients for Moncel's lentil bolognese cost about $5.58, and the recipe makes four servings. That breaks down to $1.40 per serving.
You don't have to use this method for every recipe you cook, but Moncel suggests that everyone try it at least once "because it's so eye-opening." You might notice that some recipes are much pricier per serving, and you may decide to cook only one per week as a result.