2. A Long Walk to Water를 읽으며 알게된영어표현이나 인상깊은 문장, 공유하고 싶은 내용 등 자유롭게 올려주세요.
The grownups rose from their work pounding rocks and drifted over, too.(83p)
*drift (서서히) 이동하다[움직이다]
*drift over 서서히 움직이면서 다가오다
They were drenched, their clothes completely soaked through.(83p)
*drench 흠뻑 물에 적시다(soak), 액체에 담그다, 완전히 채우다
*soak 흠뻑 적시다 (=drench)
*soak through (~에) 스며[배어]들다
Nya clapped her hands along with all the other children. But as Nya watched the water spraying out of the borehole, she frowned. It was full of mud.(83, 84p)
*along with ...와 함께, ...에 따라, ~와 마찬가지로
Tall fences of barbed wire enclosed the camp; you weren't allowed to leave unless you were leaving for good.(84p)
-"unless"는 "만약 ~하지 않는다면"이라는 조건을 나타내고, 그 조건이 충족되지 않을 경우에 대한 결과를 설명합니다. -if 조건절은 익숙한데 비해unless는 잘 사용하지 못하는데 이번 기회에 확실히 익혀두고 일상에서도 사용해 보세요.
+) Unless you finish your homework, you can't watch TV.
숙제를 마치지 않으면 TV를 볼 수 없어. +) I won't be able to come unless you give me the address.
주소를 알려주지 않으면 저는 올 수 없습니다. +) Unless it rains, we'll have a picnic tomorrow.
비가 오지 않으면 우리는 내일 소풍을 갈 것입니다. +) Unless you study harder, you won't pass the exam.
열심히 공부하지 않으면 시험에 통과하지 못할 것야.
*for good 영원히, 영구히
+) become history for good 역사에 영원히 남다
+) This time she’s leaving for good. 이번에는 그녀가 영원히 떠난다.
Sometimes fights broke out, and people were hurt or killed.(84p)
*break out 발발[발생]하다, (여드름, 뾰루지 등이) 나다, 피부가 뒤집어지다
+) She needed to break out of her daily routine and do something exciting. 그녀는 일상생활의 틀에서 벗어나 뭔가 신나는 일을 할 필요가 있었다. +) I break out in hives whenever I eat shellfish. 나는 조개 종류를 먹을 때마다 두드러기가 난다. +) I started to break out in a sweat. 식은땀이 나더라고요.
He had heard of another refugee camp, far to the south and west, where he hoped things would be better.
But when they reached the camp at Ifo, they found that things were no different than at Kakuma. Everyone was always hungry, and there was never enough food. Salva felt fortunate that at least he was in good health.(85p)
*in good health 건강하여, 무고하게
*be in good health 건강 상태가 좋다
There was nothing to do but wait-
It was hard to keep hope alive when there was so little to feed it.(85p)
*nothing 아무것도 아닌
*but (전치사) ~외에, ~빼고, ~제외하고 = except
*nothing but A 오직, 그저[단지]...일 뿐인, A빼고는 다 아닌
As far as he could see, there was nothing but buffalo.(매직트리하우스 18-6/39p)
*feed 먹이를 주는 것, 여기서는 비유적으로 쓰여 'hope 기대'를 표현하고 있어요.
기대를 살릴 만한 것이 너무 적어서 힘들었다.
★Salva가 영어 공부하는 모습입니다.
The whole rest of the day, Salva went around saying, "A, B, C," mostly to himself but sometimes aloud, in a quiet voice.(86p)
*go around (자주) … 하다[하고 다니다], (질병이나 전염병 등이) 유행하다
Arabic alphabet had twenty-eight letters; the English, only twenty-six. In English, the letters stayed separate from each other, so it was easy to tell them apart.(86, 87p)
"But once in a while it's good to take a break from work. Let's do something a wee bit different for a change. I'm thinking you'll be good at this - you're a tall lad.(87p)
But as the days went by, the aid workers confirmed the news.(88p)
*as the days go by 날이 갈수록
+) As the days go by his voice is terribly missed. 날이 갈수록 그의 목소리는 몹시 그리워진다. +) Can I get better like this as the days go by? 이렇게 막 나날이 늘어가도 돼? +) I really like it because it seems like we're getting closer as the days go by. 가면 갈수록 더 가까워지는 거 같아서 너무 좋아요.
He tried not to lose hope. At the same time, he tried not to hope too much.
Sometimes he felt he was being torn in two by the hoping and the not hoping.(89p)
*try to ... 하려고 노력하다
*try not to ... 하지 않으려고 하다
*tear...in two ...을 둘로 찢다 (tear-tore-torn)
*be torn (between A and B) (A와 B 사이에서) 갈피를 잡지 못하다[어쩔 줄을 모르다],미어지다(극심한 슬픔을 느끼다)
Salva shouldered his way through the crowd until he was standing in front of the list. He raised his head slowly and began reading through the names.(89p)
*shoulder 어깨로 밀치고 나아가다, (책임을) 짊어지다[떠맡다/받아들이다], 어깨
*shoulder one’s way through …을 어깨로 밀고 나아가다
There it was.
Salva Dut - Rochester, New York.
Salva was going to New York.
He was going to America!(89p)
3. 게시물 숙제로 A Long Walk to Water를 읽으며배운 단어나 구문을 넣어 자신만의 문장을 하나씩 만들어 보세요.
She was torn between her duty to her family and her desire for freedom.(be torn 갈피를 잡지 못하다[어쩔 줄을 모르다])