
★영어워서 읽기 3월의 책 - Linda Sue Park

A Long Walk to Water: Day 4(20-25p)

A Long Walk to Water Chapter 4



1.  A Long Walk to Water를 읽으며 알게된 영어표현이나 인상깊은 문장, 공유하고 싶은 내용 등 자유롭게 올려주세요.

*sorghum [ˈsɔːrɡəm] 수수
+)sorghum straw 수수깡  
+)sorghum rice ball cake 수수경단

Her mother was nursing the baby, Nya's little brother.(20p)

*nurse (아기에게) 모유를 먹이다, ~을 간호하다, 간호사

Nya did not say what she was thinking: that Akeer, who was only five years old, was too small and walked too slowly. 

nearly a full day of walking altogether. This was Nya's daily routine seven months of the year. Daily. Every single day.(20p)

A few of the people exchanged uneasy glances.(21p)

*uneasy (마음이) 불안한, 우려되는 (=anxious), 불안한[불안정한], 어수선한, 뒤숭숭한, 불편한

*uneasy glance 불안한 눈길[눈초리]


Salva saw doubt on the people's faces. Several men at the front of the group began speaking to each other.(21p)

*daubt 의심스러움, 불확실함, 의심, 의심하다, 의혹을 품다, 미심쩍게 생각하다

He is a child. He will slow us down.

Another mouth to feed? It is alreday hard enough to find food.

He is too young to do any real work - he'll be of no help to us.


Salva hung his head.(21p)

*hang one's head 부끄러워 고개를 숙이다

+) hang-hung-hanged 

He hung his head.(매직트리하우스 18-8/52p)


She said nothing but looked first at the man and then at Salva.(22p)

*nothing 아무것도 아닌

*but (전치사) ~외에, ~빼고, ~제외하고 = except

*nothing but A 오직, 그저[단지]...일 뿐인, A빼고는 다 아닌

As far as he could see, there was nothing but buffalo.(매직트리하우스 18-6/39p) 


+) There's nothing but dust. 먼지만 나오거든.

+) I can do nothing but laugh. 웃음 밖에 안 나와요.

+) What I need is nothing but a few days' rest.

     내가 필요한 건 단지 며칠의 휴식이야. 

+) She felt nothing but hatred for her attacker.

    그녀는 자기를 공격한 자에 대한 증오감 밖에 느껴지지 않았다.

+) I hope you will have nothing but joy and happiness in your life. 

    당신의 삶에 기쁨과 행복만 있기를 바랍니다. 


Then he caught up with the group, determined not to lag behind, not to complain, not to be any trouble to anyone.(22p)

*lag behind =fall behind 뒤(처)지다, …보다 뒤떨어지다, (발달이) 낙후되다
+)lag/run behind schedule 일정에 뒤처지다
+)lag behind in an embarrassment 당혹하여 꾸물거리다


He had to be content with that.(22p)

*be content with …에 만족하다, 자족하다, 안주하다

+) Be content with a small salary at the beginning.  
   처음에는 적은 급료에도 만족해라.

+) He was hoping to be content with married life, but once a Casanova, always a Casanova.  
    그는 결혼 생활에 만족하기를 원했지만, 바람둥이 근성은 변하지 않았다.


The days became a never-ending walk.

Walking to nowhere.(22p)

*terrain[təˈreɪn] 지형, 지역

*scrub 관목, 덤불

*unripe (과일 등이 먹을 수 있을 정도로) 익지 않은, 덜 익은, 설익은 (↔ripe)

*wormrotten 벌레 먹은


Usually he walked among the Dinka, but today, shuffling along in a daze, he found he had fallen a little behind.(23p)

*fall behind = lag behind 뒤(처)지다, …보다 뒤떨어지다, (발달이) 낙후되다

*shuffle along  발을 이끌며 걷다

*shuffle 발을 (질질) 끌며 걷다, 발을 끌며 느릿느릿 걷기, (게임 전에 카드를) 섞기

*in a daze 어리둥절한[혼란스러운] 상태인

*sluggidhly 게으르게, 나태하게
+)sluggish 느릿느릿 움직이는, 부진한


Buksa cocked his head and furrowed his brow.(24p)

*furrow one’s brow 이마에 주름살 지게 하다

*furrow (미간이) 찡그러지다, (미간을) 찡그리다, (얼굴의) 깊은 주름,   (밭에) 고랑을 만들다

*brow 이마 (=forehead), 

+)a high brow 넓은 이마 low brow 좁은 이마


He strained his ears.(24p)

*strain one’s ear(s) 열심히 귀를 기울이다

*strain 안간힘을 쓰다, (근육 등을) 혹사하다[무리하게 사용하다], 부담


Salva's fear began to grow until it was even stronger than his hunger.(24p)

By now Salva had caught the feeling of excitement. "But what shall I tell them?"

Salva hurried off to call the rest of the group. he had heard of this, that the Jur-chol follow the call of the bird called the honey guide! But he had never seen it done before. 

Honey! This night, they would feast!(25p) 


2. 게시물 숙제로 A Long Walk to Water를 읽으며 배운 단어나 구문을 넣어 자신만의 문장을 하나씩 만들어 보세요.

They were content with second hand clothes.(be content with)


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