+) Be content with a small salary at the beginning. 처음에는 적은 급료에도 만족해라.
+) He was hoping to be content with married life, but once a Casanova, always a Casanova. 그는 결혼 생활에 만족하기를 원했지만, 바람둥이 근성은 변하지 않았다.
The days became a never-ending walk.
Walking to nowhere.(22p)
*terrain[təˈreɪn] 지형, 지역
*scrub 관목, 덤불
*unripe (과일 등이 먹을 수 있을 정도로) 익지 않은, 덜 익은, 설익은 (↔ripe)
*wormrotten 벌레 먹은
Usually he walked among the Dinka, but today, shuffling along in a daze, he found he had fallen a little behind.(23p)
*fall behind = lag behind뒤(처)지다,…보다 뒤떨어지다,(발달이) 낙후되다
*shuffle along 발을 이끌며 걷다
*shuffle 발을 (질질) 끌며 걷다, 발을 끌며 느릿느릿 걷기, (게임 전에 카드를) 섞기
*in a daze 어리둥절한[혼란스러운] 상태인
*sluggidhly 게으르게, 나태하게 +)sluggish 느릿느릿 움직이는, 부진한
Buksa cocked his head and furrowed his brow.(24p)
*furrow one’s brow 이마에 주름살 지게 하다
*furrow(미간이) 찡그러지다, (미간을) 찡그리다, (얼굴의) 깊은 주름, (밭에) 고랑을 만들다
*brow이마 (=forehead),
+)a high brow 넓은 이마 low brow 좁은 이마
He strained his ears.(24p)
*strain one’s ear(s) 열심히 귀를 기울이다
*strain 안간힘을 쓰다, (근육 등을) 혹사하다[무리하게 사용하다], 부담
Salva's fear began to grow until it was even stronger than his hunger.(24p)
By now Salva had caught the feeling of excitement. "But what shall I tell them?"
Salva hurried off to call the rest of the group. he had heard of this, that the Jur-chol follow the call of the bird called the honey guide! But he had never seen it done before.
Honey! This night, they would feast!(25p)
2. 게시물 숙제로 A Long Walk to Water를 읽으며배운 단어나 구문을 넣어 자신만의 문장을 하나씩 만들어 보세요.
They were content with second hand clothes.(be content with)