2. Wonder를 읽으며 알게된 영어표현이나 인상깊은 문장, 공유하고 싶은 내용 등 자유롭게 올려주세요.
Part Six
What a piece of work is a man! how noble in reason! how infinte in faculty! in form and moving how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension how like a god! the beauty of the world!... -Shakespeare, Hamlet
Auggie의 관점으로 다시 시작합니다.
*made-up 지어낸, 가짜의
*come up with 생각해 내다, 제안하다, 따라잡다
Beulah was a made-up person that me and Jack came up with.(208p)
*xox: kiss Hug kiss
*get sick of 싫어지다, 넌더리 나다, …에 염증이 나다
*buy into(특히 다른 많은 사람들이 믿는) ~을 믿다
But by March they were getting sick of it.(209p)
It was starting to feel like the majority of boys weren't buying into Julian anymore.(209p)
+) You either buy into it or you do not. 당신은 그걸 믿거나 믿지 않거나다.
*cringe (겁이 나서) 움츠리다[움찔하다]
*bump into ~에 부딪히다, ~을 우연히 만나다
*cootie [kú:ti] 세균, 이(louse), 순진한 사람
No one really cringes if I bump into them anymore, and people borrow my pencils whithout acting like the pencil has cooties.(209p)
Six months ago stuff like that would never hace happened, but now it happens more and more.(210p)
Also, people have been really nice about the hearing aids I started wearing.(210p)
-Auggie의 친구들이 달라지기 시작했어요.
*end up with 결국 ~하게 되다
*I was hoping I could
*make it through (어려운 시기를) 이겨내다, 견뎌내다; 통과하다
But I knew if I told Mom or Dad about it, I'd end up with hearing aids - and I was hoping I could make it through the fifth grade without having that happen.(211p)
All I saw were these tubes jutting out from either side of my head - like antennas.(213p)
You'll get used to them very quickly.
*white noise 백색소음[잡음](텔레비전·라디오의 주파수가 맞지 않을 때 나는 것과 같은 소음)
"The white noise is gone," he said, nodding.(214p)
Now that I look back, I don't know why I was so stressed about it all this time. Funny how sometimes you worry a lot about something and it turns out to be nothing.(215p)
-돌이켜보면 걱정했던 일이 별일 아닌 걸 알게 되기도 하죠. 위로가 되는 말이예요.
*get into a fight 싸움을 하다, 싸우다
She and Via got into a huge fight.(216p)
But what is with you lately, Via? you moody and taciturn and secretive...(216p)
+) What is with you? 너 대체 왜 그래? +) What is wrong with you! 너 진짜 왜 그래!
*taciturn [|tæsɪtɜːrn] (성격이) 뚱한[말수가 적은/무뚝뚝한], 과묵한
+) a taciturn person 과묵한 사람 +) He's become taciturn with age. 그는 나이가 들면서 말수가 적어졌다
+) He is a taciturn person in nature. 그는 원래 성질이 뚱하다.
*pick up (어떤 정보를) 듣게[알게] 되다, ~을 알아보다[알아채다]
Then I don't know what Mom answered because it all got very quiet, and even my bionic Lobot ears couldn't pick up a signal.(216p)
*make up 화해하다
By dinner they seemed to have made up.(217p)
*snap (말투가 날카로운 모양) 쏘아붙이다, 쏘다, 물다, 딱딱거리다
"Nothing!" they both snapped at the same time.(217p)
*retard (발전·진전을) 지연[지체]시키다, 멍청하다, 모자라는 사람, 저능아
I'm not retarded!(218p)
*picture ~를 상상하다, 마음에 그리다
*lay on (죄·책임을) 뒤집어 쓰다, (골치 아픈 것을) ~하게 하다
I pictured Mom and Via talking about me in the kitchen.(219p)