reap (특히 좋은 결과 등을) 거두다[수확하다], [동사] (농작물을) 수확하다[거둬들이다] (=harvest)
gradient 변화의 정도
bristle 짧고 뻣뻣한 털
given that ~을 고려하면
attune <마음 등을> 맞추다, 조화시키다(accord), 익숙하게 하다
utility 유용성 (=usefulness)
commpdify <예술품 등을> 상품화하다, (상품으로서) 매매하다
doodle (특히 지루해 하거나 딴 생각을 하면서) 뭔가를 끼적거리다
whimsical 엉뚱한, 기발한
lineage [ˈlɪniɪdʒ] 혈통 (=ancestry)
tap into …에 다가가다, …와 친구가 되다, …을 활용[이용]하다
garland 화환, 화관
bask (특히 햇볕을 기분 좋게) 쪼이다
Even if you're not taking classes, you can still learn a lot from improv's core tenets, says Clay Drinko, author of Play Your Way Sane: 120 Improv-Inspired Exercises to Help You Calm Down, Stop Spiraling and Embrace Uncertainty. Improv is governed by a set of loose rules that help acting partners work together to perform scenes. And within these principles, he adds, we can practice self-love, build confidence and achieve self-actualization.
The rules of improv can make you funnier. They can also make you more confident.
Rule 1: Yes, and Rule 2: Embrace mistakes Rule 3: Don't shy away from yourself Rule 4: Be present in your body Rule 5: Make room for play