NPR Podcast Life Kit Want to get better at being thankful? Here are some tips
How do you express gratitude in your daily life? To me, it sometimes feels daunting. I'm reminded of hand-writing hundreds of thank you cards after our wedding. Or making sure to eat every last bite on my plate so my grandma wouldn't think I was ungrateful for my meal.
But experts say it doesn't have to be that complicated. In this episode, I talk to Christina Costa, a psychologist who has studied the positive effects of gratitude on the brain, and Paulette Moore, a founding member of The Aunties Dandelion, a media-arts collective informed by Indigenous teachings, about how to be thankful for the smallest of things — and how to be better at showing gratitude.
wield[wiːld] (무기·도구를) 휘두르다, 다루다, 사용하다
hindsight [ ˈhaɪndsaɪt ] 다 알게 됨, 뒤늦은 깨달음 (→foresight)
in hindsight 지나고 나서 보니까
nerve-wracking 신경을 건드리는, 피로케 하는, 괴롭히는, 안절부절못하게 하는
dizzy spell 어지럼발작, 잠깐동안의 현기증
spell 한동안의 일[활동]
temporal lobe (대뇌의) 측두엽
turmoil 혼란, 소란 (=confusion)
adversity[ əd|vɜːrsəti ] 역경
foster 조성하다, 발전시키다 (=encourage, promote)
draw on ~을 이용하다, 얻다, ~을 끌어내다
robust [ roʊ|bʌst ] 원기 왕성한, 팔팔한
Want to get better at being thankful? Here are some tips