
How fast can you speak English? 

우리는 영어를 빨리 말하는 것도 배워야 하고, 

빠르게 말하는 원어민들의 말을 들어야 해서 리스닝 실력도 키워야 합니다. 

여기 소개된 tip을 알아두면 스피킹은 물론 리스닝에 도움이 됩니다. 

<Parenthood>, 우리가 지금 함께 보고 있는 미드에서도 많이 나오는 걸 확인할 수 있습니다. 



Have you ever thought," Oh my goodness."

English speakers speak so fast.

How will I ever be able to speak like that? 




## Vanessa's Tip


1. Use Contraction

I'd like to go. (I would)

He's busy. (He is)

What're you doing? (What are)


2. Reduce Verbs

I'm gonna study English. (I'm going to study English.)

I wanna study English. (I'm want to study English.)

I gotta study English. (I have got to study English.)

I hafta study English. (I have to study English.)




3. Reduce "you"

We're going to talk about three common question words. 

We could reduce this to say, "Whatcha doin'?"

We've cut out completely the word are, and the word you just becomes cha.

The end of the word doing that G also gets cut out. 

Whatcha doin'? (What are you doing?)

Whereya goin'? (Where are you going?)

Wouldja help me? (Would you help me?)


4. Cut off "T"

It is to cut off the letter T at the end of words. 

I go ou' every nigh'.

(I go out every night.)


5. Cut off "D"

It is to cut off the letter D at the end of words.

I foun' a blue an' white car'.

(I found a blue and white card.)


6. Cut off Pronouns

It is to cut off the first sounds with a few pronouns: Him, His, Her, Them

The H at the beginning of his and her is cut off.

We don't do this all the time, but it does happen often enough that you want to make sure you could understand when native English speakers are using it, and also so that you can use it yourself. 


I think 'e's righ'. (I think he's right.)

It's 'is turn. (It's his turn.)

It's 'er turn. (It's her turn.)

I listen to 'em. (I listen to them.)


7. Change T to D

In American English, a T that's between two vowel sounds.... 

It doesn't always have to be a vowel, but between two vowel sounds is going to change to a D


The swead-er (sweater)

Is bed-er (better)

I like wad-er (water)

Pud id in the desk. (Put it in the desk.)



Are you ready for a final challenge sentence?

It's going to combine so many of these seven tips, and it's going to challenge your mind and your pronunciation muscles. 




**Your Challenge!**

I'm gonna ead 'is foo' and' id'll tas'e grea'.

I'm gonna eat his food, and it'll taste great.)



It's never too late to learn!!!


======<원어민이 알려주는 다양한 팁을 더 보시려면 여기를 보세요.>


원어민이 알려주는 영어로 대화시작하는 방법

원어민이 알려주는 영어로 대화시작하는 방법을 살펴보겠습니다. 어떻게 영어로 말문을 열어야 할까요. 여기 Vanessa's Tip가 알려주는 팁을 활용해 영어로 대화를 시작해 봅시다. How to START a Convers




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