
NPR 팟캐스트 영어공부

TED Radio Hour NPR Podcast 

팟캐스트 영어단어정리

after all (예상과는 달리) 결국에는, 어쨌든(설명·이유를 덧붙일 때)

forearm 팔뚝

underneath …의 밑[아래/안]에 (특히 다른 것에 가려지거나 덮이는 경우에 씀)

generate 발생시키다, 만들어 내다

assumptions 추정

preordained 예정된, 미리 정해진

pre-existence 전 존재, 전생

assimilation 흡수, 동화

transracial 인종을 초월한, 이(異)인종간의

gratitude 고마움, 감사

charity 자선, 사랑, 자애, 자비, 인자, 자선 사업

resent 분하게[억울하게] 여기다, 분개하다

on paper 서류상으로 (판단하면), 이론상, 종이 위에 (적다)

+) The idea looks good on paper.  이 아이디어가 서류상으로는 좋아보인다. 

+) They’re a good team on paper, but they have no team chemistry. 

   그 팀은 수치상으로 봤을 때 좋은 팀이지만, 팀원들 간에 끈끈함이 없어. 

draw over 덧칠하다

sear (강한 통증 등이 불길처럼) 후끈 치밀다, 화끈거리게 하다, (강한 불에 겉 부분을) 그슬다[재빨리 굽다]

seared in 상처를 남기다(주로 마음, 기억에 아픈 상처를 남길때 씀)


Sara Jones: What stories are missing from the the transracial adoption narrative?


Sara Jones: What stories are missing from the the transracial adoption narrative?

What information is missing from our family narratives? For transracial adoptee Sara Jones, her Korean cultural roots were hidden until she sought answers on her own.





Part 3 of the TED Radio Hour episode Take Care.

What information is missing from our family narratives? For transracial adoptee Sara Jones, her Korean cultural roots were hidden until she sought answers on her own.

About Sara Jones

Sara Jones is the CEO of InclusionPro, where she consults and trains leaders on building inclusive cultures to help with team performance and team innovation. She is also a founder of the Women Tech Council (WTC), a national organization focused on the economic impact of women in driving high growth for the technology sector.

Jones was adopted from South Korea in 1977 at age three and went on a journey to find her birth family after 42 years of separation. She spoke about her transracial adoption story on the TED stage in 2019.

Jones received a bachelor's degree in chemical engineering from the University of Utah and a juris doctorate from BYU Law School.


팟캐스트 대본

Sara Jones: What stories are missing from the the transracial adoption narrative?

Sara Jones.docx


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