Zombie 2nd mortgages are coming to life, threatening thousands of Americans' homes
I just had this feeling like something really bad had happened.
*mill around 서성이다
A group of men are milling around the lawn.
*along the way 그러는 과정에
There were a few bumps along the way.
She had asked for a modification of her mortgage.
Karen is thinking this has to be some kind of scam.
*rattle 불안, 걱정, 짜증을 느끼게 하다
They're trying to rattle me.
*back out 손 떼다
I'm backing out.
*dug up ~에 대해 알아내다[들추다]
*long-lost 오랫동안 보지[소식을 듣지] 못한
They had dug up some long-lost debt she owed.
*sketchy 뒤가 구린 듯한, 수상한, 의심스러운
It seemed so sketchy, like some sort of con game.
I was shaken - just, like, really overwhelmed.
I'm being evicted from my house.
*forgiven (빚을) 탕감하다
Many say they were told the loans had been forgiven.
The housing bubble was filling with steam.
I saw this destroy people.
*time bomb 시한폭탄, 시한폭탄같은
They had this time bomb in them. The time bomb was that the interest rates were adjustable.
*chug along 매우 천천히 꾸준히 발전시키다
People would be chugging along, paying their mortgage that they could afford.
*chug (엔진이) 통통[칙칙]하는 소리를 내다, (음료를) 단숨에 들이켜다
+) chug boat 통통배
+) chug-chug 칙칙폭폭
*have the heart to do …할 용기가 있다, 감히 …하다; 무턱대고 …하다
I didn't really have the heart to tell him.
And I just didn't question any of it 'cause I was so grateful that the loan was modified.
And to be clear, there wasn't any reason to question it.
She thinks it can't be about her mortgage.
So he never answered me the way that I thought a professional lawyer would, so I just thought right away it was fraud.
She decides to ignore it. But soon, it becomes impossible to ignore.
*nervous breakdown 신경쇠약
I was crying on the phone with them, like, having a nervous breakdown.
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