
NPR Podcast

Want to stress less in 2024? A new book offers '5 resets' to tame toxic stress


*get a handle on  ~을 이해하다; 파악하다; 처리하다

You're looking to get a handle on stress in the new year.

She gave them science-backed tools and strategies to recover and cope better in the long run.

*science-backed 과학적 근거가 뒷받침되는

*in the long run (앞으로 길게 보았을 때) 결국에는, 장기적으로, 대체로 

She gave them science-backed tools and strategies to recover and cope better in the long run.

*lay out 펼치다, 투자하다, 질책하다, 때려 눕히다, 설계[계획]하다

The 5 Resets has been laid out to be a road map.

When someone focuses on what matters most to them, it makes the goal feel more doable.

*acclimate [ˈækləmeɪt] 익숙해지다, 적응하다  =get used to, acclimatize 

Acclimate to the morning, the light.

*game changer 상황이나 시장 등을 완전히 뒤 엎어 버릴만한 사건이나 아이디어 또는 사람

Giving yourself that little moment of pause, of grounding at the start of your day can be a game changer.

*give in  …에 항복하다, …에 굴복하다

We don't give in to the urge to check it all the time.

*counter (무엇의 악영향에) 대응하다 (=counteract)

Nerurkar's third reset includes ways to sync the brain and body to counter the effects of stress.

*center oneself (냉정하고 차분하며 분별력을 갖도록) 스스로의 중심을 잡다

I would stop, breathe and center myself and just be.

*Teflon 테플론(음식이 들러붙지 않도록 프라이팬 등에 칠하는 물질), (실수·불법 행위를 한 뒤에도) 타격을 입지 않는

Gratitude transforms your brain from Velcro to Teflon.

Change is stressful for your brain. Even positive changes in your life can be stressful.

Stress has long been a chronic problem for Americans, and new data suggests it's only worsened since the COVID-19 pandemic. A recent poll by the American Psychological Association found that nearly a quarter of adults across the country said they were experiencing high levels of stress, up from 19% in 2019. And nearly half of all respondents said they wished they had someone to help them manage their stress.

Here are her five resets:
1. Find what matters most to you
2. Stop scrolling and carve out some quiet time
3. Harness the mind-body connection to lower stress
4. Take breaks between tasks
5. Quiet the nagging, negative voice of a stressed-out brain
Bonus: The Resilience Rule of Two



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Want to stress less in 2024? A new book offers '5 resets' to tame toxic stress


Want to stress less in 2024? A new book offers '5 resets' to tame toxic stress

Dr. Aditi Nerurkar, a Harvard physician and researcher, is out with a new book of science-backed strategies to reduce stress and build resilience.




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