
NPR Podcast 영어단어 정리


8 simple things you can do to protect yourself from getting scammed

*disengage 풀다, 떼어내다, 분리하다, 군대가 철수하다, (의무서약책임에서) 해방시키다
Once you have stepped away or hung up or disengaged and you want to look into whatever this is, be careful.
*due 적당한, 적절한, 당연한, 마땅한(N앞에서만 씀)
*due diligence 상당한 주의, 실사
*do one's due diligence 신중을 기하다, 주의를 하다, 실사를 하다
You call it thinking you're talking to your actual bank because you did your due diligence.
*overkill 과잉, 지나침
Some of these things will be inconvenient, and they may seem like overkill.
Set your phone up to silence or block calls from unknown numbers.
*toggle 온오프 버튼
 You can go into phone settings, and there's just a toggle that says send unknown callers to voicemail.
​And so you have to think about how we make ourselves vulnerable to scams because we make it a lot easier than we used to.
*do a deep dive
One of the things even personally that I try to do is every two weeks, take an hour and sort of do a deep dive.
*freeze your credit
Even better, freeze your credit.
*thaw 녹다, 해동하다, 날씨가 풀리다
I just go and I thaw it. That's what they call it. They say thaw it. 
Because getting money back from a prepaid gift card is not usually going to happen.

*be liable for 지불 의무가 있다

The most you’ll be liable for is $50.
*give yourself grace 관용, 은혜를 베풀다
If you got scammed, give yourself grace.
You need a shoulder to cry on.
There are scams targeted at people just like you.

Richmond-Pope and Nofziger share eight simple actions you can take to protect yourself from getting conned.
1. Regularly check your bank accounts for fraud
2. Check your credit report every four months
3. Freeze your credit (then 'thaw' it when you need it)
4. Use your credit card whenever possible
5. Call the number on the back of your bank card
6. Sign out of Venmo when you're done using it
7. Set up your phone to decline calls from people you don't know
8. Be careful about what you post online



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8 simple things you can do to protect yourself from getting scammed


8 simple things you can do to protect yourself from getting scammed : Life Kit

Scams can happen to anyone. Experts explain how to safeguard your data and money from being exploited or stolen by fraudsters.




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